Address: Number 1 Karats Avenue, Eric Warden Street, West Anaji Estates Takoradi, Ghana. P. O. Box MC 762 Takoradi


Rev. Kofi O. Assan put together some thoughts on the Kingdom of God in a user-friendly package and style.

The treasure of every king is his kingdom because it ministers to his essence as a king. Our Lord Jesus came with the mission of re-introducing humanity to the System in which God originally put mankind. Operating in this System pleases God, guarantees our total well-being, and enables us to replenish the earth with the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

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In this royal book, you will understand this System called the kingdom of God, its fruits, enemies and principles, among others. You will find the material relevant in equipping your personal life, work-place and church, in the bid to ‘kingdomize’ your world.


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