In the previous post we ended discussing the Kingdom system of family-wide benefit from the death of Jesus Christ. In this chapter, we will begin by seeing the benefit of the Blood of Jesus beyond our families to our neighbours.

Ex. 12: 4, “ And if the household is too small for the lamb, let him and his neighbour next to his house take it according to the number of the persons; according to each man’s need you shall make your count for the lamb”

Now, understand that pro-vision was made for a house-hold that was too small for a lamb. But, none was made for a household too big for a lamb. Wow! It is because no matter how large your family is, it is not too large for one lamb.

In other words, Jesus’ Body and Blood are never too small or incapable of a family’s salvation from sin and its derivatives like sickness, poverty, curses, confusion etc.

Your ruler-ship needs

Jesus the Passover lamb is never incapable of transitioning a whole family from slavery (to self, sin, situations, society and Satan), into ruler-ship over these.

Therefore, beloved, there is no family that is too big that they have to kill two lambs to suffice their ruler-ship needs. It is families who will rather always be too small for Jesus to satisfy.

So, you do not need any other person’s philosophies to augment the Kingdom principles of Jesus in order to rule in life in a manner that pleases God. Yes, Jesus is enough for your rulership needs.

And there is no family member who is so far-gone in sin and rebellion that the Blood of Jesus cannot ‘arrest’ and save. Blood has a voice and that of Jesus’ is far-reaching and loud enough to attract any one’s spirit – Gen. 4:10; Heb. 12:24. Praise Him!

A Kingdom culture

Beloved, sharing Jesus is a Kingdom culture – Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 8:5; 9:20. So, God instructed that small families must share the lamb with their neighbours. Wow!

Thus, even beyond your family, God has made provision in Christ, for your neighbours to be blessed when you get ‘born again’, by the Blood of Jesus our Lord.

Thus as a believer, wherever you reside or even work, you have a special advantage in pleading Jesus’ Blood to save your neighbours also, if beyond the salvation of your family, you can believe for that. Hallelujah!

Yes, you can agree with God to let the same Blood of the Lamb that saves you be extended for your neighbourhood to be saved, and for them to also enjoy the benefits of righteousness before God.

Yes, you can believe that the same Blood moves you, your family and neighbours from slavery to the world’s system into ruler-ship in the Kingdom of God.

Now, once again, God is specially committed to this, as in a blood covenant. He will handle your neigh-bours as if they were your family members. This is because when God sees the Blood of Jesus applied in prayer to your neighbours, He sees them as having a blood-covenant with Him and you as well. Hallelujah!

Freedom for your neighbours

This is what happened in the Philippi Jail – Acts 16:25-26. As Apostles Paul and Silas prayed and sang to God, there was an earthquake that freed not just them, but all the criminals in that jail.

Everybody (including the wicked criminals) had their locked doors opened and their hand-cuffs or leg-chains falling off; although they did not partake in the prayer and praises to God.

This was God prerogative of mercy at work. But, why did God give this general amnesty?
It is because the saving and ruler-ship grace of Jesus is too big for you alone. It ripples to your family and even neighbours. Yes, they also can be blessed by your blood-covenant with God. Hallelujah!

So my friend, believe God for a great family and neighbourhood, where the Kingdom of God thrives.

Yes, slavery or bondage to the negatives elements of your neighbourhood can be far from you by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is altogether beautiful

Let us move on in our discussion to verse 5 of Ex. 12. God said moreover: “Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats.”

That is a prophetic description of the true Lamb of God, our dearest and adorable Jesus. Beloved, our blessed Jesus is without blemish, inside and outside.

In the beginning, Apostle Peter told Him, ‘depart from me for I am a sinful man oh Lord’. In the end, Pilate said to the crowd of crucifers: ‘I find no fault in Him’.

Yes, Pilate knew it was because of envy that they had delivered Jesus to be crucified.
And this shadow-Passover-lamb was to be a year old male. It was to be a male because a male living creature was the ‘giver’ of life. So, Jesus as a male imparted His life to us – Jn. 10:10.

Jesus our Firstfruit

This first-year lamb is the picture of the first-fruit, whose life and state is credited to the rest of the harvest – Rom. 11:16, “For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches”. Wow!

Beloved, Jesus is our first-fruit. And since He is holy, so are we who believe in Him. Yes, His devotion to God as the first-fruit is credited to us, as if we are devoted to God. And we are, as long as we believe in Him.
Jesus is also our root or source, whiles we, who are His believers are His branches – Jn. 15:1-5. As such, the same life flowing through Jesus flows in us as well. Our impeccable Jesus sanctifies all who get attached to Him, by God’s work of engrafting them into Him when they believe.

Everyday is special

In the Kingdom system of Jesus, every day of your life is special because His Blood makes it so. Beloved, it is because the first sanctifies the rest that God told Moses and Aaron to make their first month, the Passover or Exemption month of Abib.

This way, the rest of the months in their Calendar becomes months that God will continue to exempt them from the troubles and difficulties in the world. Thus, in the Kingdom system of Jesus, the Blood that was shed in the first month makes every month or day special.

You know, in the Old Testament, there were special days and months and also ordinary days and months. But, in the New Testament of the Kingdom, all days and months are special.

So, you can believe God for special encounters with Him and also for blessings irrespective of the day or month – See Col. 2:15-17. I encourage you to do so because the Blood of Jesus has already sanctified all your days on earth.


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