In the previous post, we saw that God had to put Abraham’s own works and efforts ‘to sleep’. It was in order for Jesus the Perfect one to appear as a Light or Burning Torch (in the case of Abraham).

In our case, Jesus appeared in the likeness of sinful flesh to represent mankind in a New covenant of the Kingdom, with God – Rom. 8:3.

Thus, Jesus appeared in this Abrahamic covenant as the Burning Torch, to pass through the pieces on behalf of Abraham, who represented mankind as a whole.

So, this covenant was prophetic of Jesus appearing as mankind’s Representative or Substitute to ‘cut’ the New Testament with God on our behalf. Hallelujah!

That is why Jesus said that the New Testament (that disposes us to enjoy the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God) is in His Royal Blood; not in our blood, self, sacrifice or efforts – Lk. 22:20,

“Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in My Blood, which is shed for you”.

So, our Lord Jesus Christ, one more time, stood in for mankind before God to cut the New covenant with God, for us to inherit and practically taste the ‘new’ system of the Kingdom of God.

Beloved, our New Testament was ‘cut’ between God and Jesus as our Replacement or Representative. Yes, we did nothing to receive the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God. Jesus did it all. Amen.

The Word Of Light

My friend, our dearest Jesus was the Burning Torch or Kingdom-word of light that God spoke, (as in the beginning of Creation) against the darkness of Satanic presence all around – Gen. 1:2-3.

So, the Kingdom-word was first introduced on earth by God, the King of Heaven, when He commanded against the darkness and chaos of Satan’s presence, “let there be light” – Gen. 1:2-3.

By this God was introducing the Burning Torch into the darkness of evil. So, these Words of God is Jesus Christ, the Carrier of God’s Kingdom-light or awareness – Jn. 1:1, 4-9, 14a,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us…”.

Yes, our Lord Jesus is the Word of Life from Heaven above, the Place of God’s Throne or Kingdom.

And He came on earth below, as Heaven’s Ambassador to lighten us about God’s Kingdom.

This is why on earth Jesus kept sowing into our ‘earthly soils’ the Word of the Kingdom, or the Gospel of the Kingdom, otherwise called the King-dom-word – See Matt. 13:19; 24:14.

The Kingdom Of Light

God’s Kingdom is one of lights or awareness, and Satan’s Kingdom is one of darkness or ignorance. And the Kingdom-word is the Word that brings about this Kingdom of light.

And so, our Lord Jesus is the Kingdom-word that God spoke from the beginning to introduce His Kingdom system or scheme or arrangement on earth, as in Heaven.

Beloved, Kingdom-words are the Words of God that are viewed through the results of Jesus’ Kingdom assignment, death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at the right Hand side of the Father, and the future rule of God on earth.

In other words, Kingdom-words exalt Jesus’ Person, Principles and Performance for mankind on earth.

Kingdom-words are also words that are spoken and promoted by our Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven now, (where the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God is fully expressed), as He prays for us – 1 Jn. 2:1; Heb. 7:25; 9:24.

For example, both Jesus Christ and God see you and speak about you just as Jesus is in Heaven now – 1 Jn. 4:17. So, they speak about you as God’s righteousness, wisdom and redeemed.

Yes, you are spoken of as already forgiven, justified, sanctified, victorious, perfected, healed, fully provided-for and blessed etc., if you are in Christ.

Our Jesus did it all so that we can receive it by grace, as we believe His gracious Kingdom-word that: we can enjoy all the multitudinous benefits of Jesus’ shed Blood.

And these blessings include the Kingdom-type of peace, provisions, preservation, purity, power, pleasures, passion or love, possibilities, purpose, people etc.

The Crucifixion Of Jesus

My friend, through the crucifixion or splitting of Jesus Christ on the Cross, a passage-way was created for us through His flesh, for us to get the Kingdom-position that He Himself is in – Heb. 10:19-20,

“Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh” Hallelujah!

Beloved, through the Blood of Jesus, we can be certain of the Kingdom-life today and as such, in the world to come.

So, the Burning Torch or Jesus will both enlighten and heat you up with the Word of the Kingdom that He is. Say amen to this!


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