Now, in the previous post, God told Abraham something very fantastic. He said to Abraham that he was to inherit a new land or system.

In other words, he was not going to work for it, but receive this land or system based on the work of Somebody else.

Now this Person (who is our Lord Jesus Christ) would then have to die by crucifixion (i.e. be split in two).

It is so that the new land i.e. the Kingdom system would pass on to Abraham (representing bankrupt mankind) by virtue of relationship to the one who laboured i.e. Jesus. Hallelujah!

So, the Kingdom of God or the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God is received by inheriting and not by earning it. Yes, all that God has ordained for you is gotten by the efforts of Him who was sacrificed for you i.e. Jesus Christ.

Inheriting By Grace

That is why in making a new covenant with Abraham, God told him to bring Him five different types of creatures: a heifer, female goat, ram, turtledove and pigeon. You know, the number five is the number of grace.

In other words, God was telling Abraham that the new covenant that He was ‘cutting’ with him (to make him inherit a new land or system) was not dependent on his own efforts, but the grace of God.

Inheriting By The Blood

And the grace of God was going to be given through a blood sacrifice. That is partly why God asked Abraham to bring Him those five animals.

These animals were all those that God would later command the people of Israel to use in sacrifice to Him, under the Law of Moses, which was yet to be established.

So, Abraham’s five-animal-blood- sacrifice was prophetic of the blood-sacrifice to be under the Law of Moses, and as such, of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus’ Royal Blood, to usher in the New Covenant of the Kingdom.


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