In the last post, we discussed the first ministry of Jesus when He rose from death. This was our Lord Jesus Christ revealing Himself in the pages of the Bible, specifically the Old Testament.

Now, the second ministry that our dearest Jesus engaged in when He resurrected was: teaching to reveal the Kingdom of God to His believers – Acts 1:2b-3,

“…apostle whom He had chosen, To whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God”.

So, for forty days after resurrecting from death, Jesus had exclusive meetings with His apostles. And the only subject He spoke about was the Kingdom of God. Wow! Now, how can you teach the Kingdom of God to believers for such a long time, if it does not go beyond being born-again or going to Heaven?

Actually, Jesus started His Word ministry on earth teaching the Kingdom of God – Matt. 4:17; 5:2. It is because the subject is ‘very heavy’ and covers mankind’s life both presently and for the future.

And so after His resurrection, our Lord intensified His Kingdom teachings, which He had started in the beginning of His ministry – with His miracles sandwiched in-between them.

This means the Kingdom of God is ‘the beginning and the ending’ of God’s will for mankind. It is God’s ultimate for your life and so should not be sandwiched by other subjects; as it is the ‘finish line’ for mankind and therefore should be kept in view always.

So, it is not a past teaching for the Jewish people of Jesus’ earthly days only. It is actually the surest sign of the end of this age – Matt. 24:14,
“And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

The Kingdom scheme

This Kingdom of God is the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God. It existed before the Church and will continue even after the Church-age.

This Kingdom of God is brought about by the Person, Principles and Performance of our dear Jesus on earth including the Cross. It is fully expressed in Heaven.

But, it is to be everywhere now including in you, your family, the local Church, nation and everywhere mankind is. In some other words, the Kingdom of God is a position, lifestyle and arrangement by which we please God now. That is why Jesus, in whom God is well pleased, represents it.

So, it was what Jesus model-led and taught to His apostles or believers after His resurrection. And such teaching is to permeate the Church world, even as we get ready for the coming of the King of kings and Lord of Lord’s, in this end-time.

The King and His Kingdom

Beloved, the revealing of Jesus is the revealing of the Kingdom of God, because He represents it. This is because no king can be divorced from his kingdom. Yes, the kingdom is the treasure of every king or queen because that is what makes them a king or queen practically.

Thus you cannot unveil Christ Jesus the King of kings in the pages of the Bible (as discussed in chapter one) without unveiling His Kingdom system. No wonder our dear Lord’s post-resurrection ministry to His believers involved unveiling Himself and the Kingdom of God.

So, you cannot reveal the Kingdom of God without revealing Jesus and vice-versa.

Benefits of unveiling Jesus in the Scriptures

Jesus is the Word of God and the Bible is the Word of God. And so, Jesus must be in every page of the Bible. Yes, our Lord always ‘comes’ to you in the volume of the Book or Bible – Heb. 10:7. Some benefits in discovering Jesus in the Bible includes the following:

The unveiling of Jesus brings about God’s Kingdom (of peace, purity, prosperity, protection, pleasures, passion or love, Presence of God, possibilities, purposes of God, persecutions on earth etc.) to whomever and wherever He is revealed. This is because being her King, Jesus is the best representative of the kingdom – Col. 1:13.

When you see Jesus, your life will be pro-longed. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. So when you see Him, His resurrection life is impacted to you. Dying aspects of your life comes alive again – Jn. 6:40; 11:25-26. Hallelujah!

Seeing Jesus in Scripture is the safest way to be sure that you are not deceived into seeing another being as Jesus – 2 Cor. 11:4. Jesus predicted that there will be many false Christ’s who will come showing various signs and wonders.

Seeing Jesus in the Bible dissolves problems, simplifies confusing and complicated life circumstances, calms and settles you in faith and rest, heals your body and mind etc. The anointing that breaks yokes is in the Word which is broken down to extract its oils – Is. 10:27; Ps. 107:19-21.

Seeing Jesus in the Scriptures activates the Holy Spirit who came to glorify Him by transforming you into the image of Jesus that you see – 2 Cor. 3:18; Jas. 1:22-25.

Seeing Christ Jesus in the Scriptures makes us know the true God whom Jesus said He only knows and so came to reveal Him – Matt. 11:27; 1 Jn. 5: 20; Heb. 1:3.

The unveiling of Jesus is the revealing of your true self because He is your life, your Replacement or Substitute – Col. 3:4; 2 Cor. 13:5; 1 Jn. 4:17.

The revelation of Jesus brings in God’s ultimate blessing which is His Kingdom system into your practical life – Matt. 16:15-21. He came carrying the Kingdom on His shoulders and so any time He is revealed, the Kingdom comes – Is. 9:7; Rev. 19:11-16.

The revealing of Jesus always increases His grace and shalom-peace on your life – 1 Pet. 1:13; 2 Pet. 1:2; Jn. 1:14, 17.

Now in the next chapter, we will directly go into the unveiling of Jesus Christ in Israel’s experience with the Bronze Serpent of their Wilderness journey.


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