kingdom in men

Freedom from trending difficulties

As we have established, Jesus is the Ark that saved Noah and His family from the flood, the suffocation and the death that was trending in their world. That is what Jesus does for us even now.

He saves us from the judgment or problems that are trending in our societies when we are in our “room” in Him. But, there is a way you should position yourself in Him in order to enjoy all these provisions.

You will notice that God told Noah to cover both the inside and outside of the whole Ark of Gopherwood with pitch or bitumen or tar (as in the Goodnews Version of the Bible).

This tar was slippery and waterproof and so prevented the water of judgement from entering to affect those in the Ark. That is how safe you are from trending social, financial, relational, physical etc difficulties in your world – once you understand that you are in Jesus Christ, your eternal Dwelling place.

The Kingdom mode of operating

Now with the tar totally covering the Ark, Noah and his family could not focus on the judgment, suffering and death that were going on outside the Ark. You know, the only opening they had was a little window set in the roof of the Ark above – Gen. 6: 16,

“…You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above…” The position of this window only made Noah and his family to see the sky or Heaven, not the trending judgments around the Ark. This means that once you are in Christ Jesus, God does not want you to set your mind on trending difficulties in society. To do that would attract those same difficulties to be visited on you.

Now, this does not mean that you should not know what is going on in society or the world of unbelievers. Rather, you should not set your mind on or concentrate on them or meditate on them – Rom. 8:5-6.

Your mental concentration and meditation should rather be mainly on the blessings of the Kingdom above. Yes those in the Ark or Christ Jesus should mainly be looking through the window set in the roof of the Ark, which focuses you on blessings that are according to God’s riches in glory by Jesus – Phil. 4:19. This is the Kingdom-mode of operating.

Yes, these blessings of the Kingdom can only be seen in the Kingdom-word of the Bible, as you focus on that.

Think life and blessings

Beloved, when you are in Christ the Ark, you should set your mind on the things of the Spirit such as Jesus’ suffering for you and its attendant glories. These glories include: righteousness, long-life, health, prosperity, peace, exemption from punishment, favour, blessings etc.

Your mind should not be focused on trending negatives that Jesus delivered us from like: sins, pre-mature death, sickness, shame, poverty, con-fusion, death, punishment of sin, disfavour etc.

It does not mean that these negatives would not flash through your mind. They would but you just should not settle on them. This is because the Holy Spirit can only activate what Jesus delivered you from (on the Cross) when you focus on the glories you have from Jesus’ suffering (on the Cross) – 2 Cor. 3:18; Phil. 1:19; 1 Pet. 1:11.

So, operate in a Kingdom-way once you are in Jesus the Ark. Stop focusing on the negative things trending in the society around you. Once again, it does not mean that you should not know it.

Rather, you should concentrate on the Kingdom-issues that you will see as you look through the Kingdom-word or the small window in the roof of the Ark or Jesus, your dwelling place.

You know, Noah himself did not deserve to be spared from the flood in-spite of being a pure human breed. God spared Him and His family because he rested on God’s provision of righteousness by focusing on Jesus or the Ark, building it all His life – Gen. 6:8-9.

It’s a family affair

That is what you should do, concentrating on Jesus Christ all your life, as a believer and preacher. You know, there is no death in Jesus. So, when you are conscious of being in Christ Jesus, all dead things in your life come alive, to even affect your family.

Yes, God does not want you to enjoy Kingdom life of safety from trending negatives alone. He wants you to enjoy it with your household – Acts 16:31-32,

“So they (Apostle Paul and Silas) said believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household. Then they spoke the Word of the Lord to all who were in his house”


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