The story of Noah is a classic display of the love of God to humanity. The background to this story was that, some fallen angel came in human form and got married to human females.

This alliance was so widespread in the world at the time. All families on earth were going into union with these fallen angels in human form. This was so trendy that it was an odd thing in the then world not to be involved in it.
And this perverse union brought forth to children who were huge in size or were giants. It is clear that these giants were the pride of every family then, because of the widespread patronage of the fallen angels.

Satan’s diabolic strategy

Now, the reason for Satan’s strategic contamination of the pure human race was based on what God had told him in Eden. It was that: the child of a woman would crush his head one day – Gen. 3:15.

Of course the devil wanted to prevent this. And so he decided to contaminate the pure human race by sending these half-angel-half-humans to pollute the full-bred human race through womanhood.

Now the issue is that Satan would have succeeded totally, had God not intervened with Noah’s flood.

The background of violence

The ‘underlining sin’ that made God intervene with the flood was the ‘same sin’ that made Him send Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. It was that, mankind was filled with helping themselves to survive instead of relying on the provisions of God.

The lack of resting in what God has done

Beloved, the sin of Adam and Eve that made God send them away from His first Kingdom system was that: they did not rest in what God had made them already i.e. in His image – Gen. 1:26, 28.

Rather, they disdained God’s work, put it aside and tried using their own strength to become what God had made them already – Gen. 3:1-3. They did this by eating the forbidden fruit with the aim of being like God, although they were already like God through God’s singular work.

Now, when they realized that their lack of rest in God’s provisions rather made them naked, they again used their own human efforts to sow fig leaves to help themselves out of the results of their lack of rest, by clothing themselves.

Beloved, sin always leads to sin. So beware, because in another form, you can repeat this sin of not resting in God’s singular work or provisions even today. So, our first parent used their own efforts or strength to get by on earth. You know this is what God does not like – shunning His efforts for your self-effort.

The trending sin of self-effort or violence

This lack of rest in what God had already made humans is what motivated the pure human race to accept the union with the fallen-angels-in-human form. So with time, violence or self-effort became the order of the day during Noah’s time.

Thus beloved, the people of Noah’s day lived by using their own physical strength or by violence. There was no rest around, as theirs was a survival of the fittest world, as it is now. The trend was (as it is now): the stronger people were in themselves the better.

It is this dependence on self-effort, self-righteousness and what one could do to help himself that made God destroy all those who lived like that – Gen.6:13,
“And God said to Noah, the end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”

The key is to rest

Noah and His family of seven were spared and saved from death because His name means ‘rest’ – Gen. 5:29. So Noah or ‘rest’ found grace in the sight of God.

In other words, Noah and his family were the only pure human race who had not followed the violent or self-effort trend in their world. Thus they did not rely on their own righteousness or efforts. They refused to have anything to do with the trending fashion of: having giants or self-effort-based-people or belief in their family – Gen. 6:9.

Yes, Noah’s family rested in what God had made them, although they looked physically little and weak before the giants, who were all over the place and perpetuated their self-effort beliefs.

Rather, they focused their lives on building the Ark of rest that ‘they’ were instructed to prepare. In other words, Noah and his family focused on Jesus and His performance for them, and not on themselves. This is how to live in the Kingdom system.


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