kingdom in men

Evangelism requires more labourers, not necessarily more anointing on a few people – Lk. 10:2.

‘Kingdomization’ on the other hand requires much more labourers. This is because ‘Kingdomizing’ goes beyond ‘winning souls’.

It includes the ‘discipling’ of the ‘souls’ in the Kingdom-ways of Grace that Jesus modelled and taught.

This is most effective if it is done on a small group basis just as the Lord Jesus did – Acts 1:3, 2 Tim. 2:2.

The door-way to the ultimate

‘Kingdomization’ is really the ultimate purpose of Jesus. You know, when our dearest Jesus was on earth, He linked up being ‘born again’ with the Kingdom message – Jn. 3:3, 5.

And, He did not speak about the Church the way some people do, as if it’s the same as the Kingdom of God.

Yes, our Jesus was the first to use the phrase ‘born-again’ as recorded in the Scriptures – Jn. 3:7. He said it to a top religious leader in a one-on-one conversation in the middle of the night. And He did so only as a stepping stone to the ultimate i.e. the Kingdom or System of God – Matt. 16:18- 19.

Beloved, the reason for Jesus’ emphasis on the Kingdom of God is simple. Its establishment in and among humanity is His ultimate purpose.

So, the Church and being born-again are not the ultimate aim of Jesus, but necessary stepping stones to the ultimate.

The ultimate aim of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is to ‘Kingdomize’ the world – 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:22-23. And beloved, it is better to always heighten the ultimate, lest people stop short of it.

The dynamics of ‘Kingdomization’

‘Kingdomizing’ the world practically involves, getting people born-again as a starter – Act 13:38-41.

Then comes maturing them to the spiritual stature of Jesus in Church, by using the Kingdom words of Jesus – Matt. 28:18-20; Eph. 4:13-15; Eph.1:4.

Then, these matured Christlike saints, being thus trained, goes on to bring about God’s Kingdom or rule everywhere in the world, i.e. in other people and places – Lk. 4:43; Matt.16:18-19.

Thus, the ultimate destination for a believer is being a matured Christ-like ‘Kingdomizer’, like our dear Lord Jesus – Jn. 17:18; 20:21b.

Speak like Jesus

After harvesting a ripe fruit,(evangelism) it has to be processed by the Kingdom word (discipleship- Eph.5:25b-27) and presented as a ‘Kingdomizer’ just as our Jesus ultimately was – Col. 1:22; Rom. 8:29.

Every leader of God’s people must learn to speak like Jesus, i.e. more about the ultimate purpose of Jesus – Matt. 28:18-20. This way, believers would not stop short at evangelism, but would go on to the ultimate purpose of Jesus’ coming, not just to save but to rule.

The ultimate purpose of Jesus then, is for you to bring about God’s rule or Kingdom, as a ‘little Jesus’ in your world – Obad. 21; Mk. 16: 15-16.

Planning for ‘Kingdomization’

One of the greatest preparations that the Church must make, to fulfil the ultimate purpose of Jesus, is in her financials. This is because one of the greatest challenges of ‘Kingdomization’ is availability of finances.

This is why it was only after gaining the power and glory of the Kingdoms of the world, which includes finances, that Jesus said his believers should go and disciple nations, teaching them His Kingdom-words – Matt. 4:8; 28:16-20.

Now, as the wisdom of the financial world is shaken, and there is austerity, the way to live above-board and finance ‘Kingdomization’ is by God’s financial covenant.

But, we need to plan as individuals and as a ‘universal Church’, not just as local Churches or denominations, to make the Kingdom system of God so shine that unbelievers will desire our System or way of living – Matt. 5:16; Mk.4:30-32.

A Kingdom Church or a religious Church

There are two broad modes that believers or Churches could be in: a religious mode or a Kingdom mode. Our Jesus builds a Kingdom-Church that has authority to control affairs on earth with Heaven’s culture – Matt.16:18-19,

“…I will build My church…I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Beloved, our Jesus told His apostles that, He is the One going to build His Church. This Kingdom-Church is called out of the world to the world. Therefore, as a Church or believer, you ought to get into a Kingdom mode.

Yes, you ought to have a Kingdom mindset, message, mandate and methods. That is how to activate Holy Spirits help in ‘Kingdomizing’ your world.

The Holy Spirit and the Kingdom

Beloved, the divine ability of the Holy Spirit is for all those who are born-again (Jn.20:22) who receive a Kingdom mindset (Acts1:3) and the baptism with the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:8a, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come…”

Yes, the Holy Spirit re-stores to every believer God’s abilities which humanity lost when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the first Kingdom era in Eden.

You know, the word ‘re-ceive’ in Acts 1:8 means ‘to take again what one lost’. Beloved, understand that what we lost in Eden as humanity was the Kingdom-system of God.

Therefore, the “power” or divine ability of the Spirit that is re-ceived by us is to help us to live out the re-stored Kingdomlife as individuals and to ‘Kingdomize’ our individual worlds and the world at large.

Beloved, the Holy Spirit is Jesus’ re-placement. He is to function through the believer to introduce God’s Kingdom system or order on earth.

And, He is to do so in a bigger way than it was when Jesus was physically on earth – Jn.14:16, “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.”

The Holy Spirit therefore assumes Jesus’ ‘Kingdomization’ mission. This work is more urgent now. But, the Spirit wants to do it with the Kingdombeliever or Church that we should be. Yes, He came to help us to ‘Kingdomize’ the world.

As it was in the beginning The leaders of the group of one hundred and twenty believers in the Upper room who received the power of the Holy Spirit were very Kingdom-minded. This is because for forty consecutive
days, the Lord Jesus Himself tuned their minds to His Kingdom system – Acts 1:3.

So, when they received power on the day of Pentecost, they knew it was for ‘Kingdomization’. Now, as it was in the beginning of the Church-age, so shall it be in the end. The great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this end-time will come on a Kingdom-minded Church.

Yes, believers around the world must become Kingdom-minded just like the early disciples. This way, they can be more ready to work with the Holy Spirit in spreading the Kingdom System of God in people and places, in this end time.

Changing group-cultures

Beloved, according to the Great Co-mmission of Matt. 28:18-20, the Church has been mandated to disciple nations or change cultures of people-groups through Jesus’ Kingdom-words.

Yes, we are to change not just individuals, but group cultures by establishing God’s value system in all areas of life, beginning from the spiritual understanding of mankind.

You know, nations are cultures; and cultures are to be transformed through the introduction and modelling of Kingdom principles by believers. And, God’s System of ruler-ship, known as the Kingdom system, is the solution to the problems of the world.


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