Beloved, it is important to have a Kingdom perspective and mentality. The work of God should be done with a Kingdom perspective, not a denominational one.

Let me explain ‘perspective’ with a story. I once read about three masons who were mixing concrete with shovels.

They were independently asked a rather obvious question – “what are you doing?” The first said, “I am mixing concrete” – correct answer. The second answered, “I am building a house” – correct answer. The third ones answer is my favourite, “I am building a home for orphans to be housed and prepared for life” – correct and right answer.

A Kingdom vision

These masons were all mixing concrete but each had a different viewpoint on the concrete work. It is the same with the ‘work of God’. You can do the work of the ministry with a localized vision or a big picture Heavenly vision.

You know, you can be correct but not right in doing the work of God. Beloved, if your mind is to build a denominational name, you would be selfish and not have a Kingdom culture, as Jesus requires.

You know, our Lord Jesus actually used the word ‘Church’ only thrice on two occasions. But He used the word ‘Kingdom’ more than one hundred and ten times, in fact at all times – Matt. 16:18; 18:17.

By the Law of emphasis, He wants you to have the Kingdom of God in view as you work in your local Church denominations.

Catch a Kingdom-spirit

You need to get a Kingdomspirit to see beyond your Church denomination. This will ensure that you do not focus on God’s purpose for you alone, or on what God is doing with you alone – Phil. 2: 1-4.

This Kingdom-spirit may not be the norm now, but it would soon be. You know, whatever glory God gives is to be deliberately and consciously shared with others outside your local Church or organisation.

This is the Kingdom way of uniting various denominations or groupings of believers – Jn.17:22, “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one even as we are one.”

Corporate tithing

This glory include money; like part of the tithe that as a Church you share or enjoy with you ‘friends and neighbour – Churches and ministries’ to foster unity or togetherness – Lk. 15:8-10.

You know, corporate tithing as a Local Church may be practised just like individuals persons pay tithe to the Church.

Beloved, as you help in prayers, finances, glory etc in support of the other denomination or group, your own denomination will receive strength to do well.

The key to getting people born-again massively

Beloved, it is Kingdomunity that will lead to the ‘Kingdomization’ of our world – Jn. 17:21, 23, “…that they (Jesus’ believers) may be one… that the world may believe that you sent me…that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.”

Currently, various denominations may be trying their best to impact the unbelieving world with God’s Kingdom system, but it is not working as well as it should.

I humbly suggest that maybe it is because we are too focused on what God has specifically asked us to do, to the neglect of our role in what God has specifically asked others to do.
Beloved, Kingdom-unity is the key to getting people born again in a massive way.


You know, God’s unity is diversity that is cemented together by Kingdom-love. So my friend, you need to move away from trying hard to be independent and self-sufficient to being inter-dependent. This is because the Kingdom of God is a system, and so operates successfully through integration or building loving linkages with others.

Get the world saved

Therefore, to bring about the Kingdom in unbelievers in a significant way, believers should practically ‘work together’ by showing love, respect and support for God’s purposes in other denominations or Christian groupings.

Beloved, unbelievers need to believe in Jesus and see God’s love for them. Yes, Jesus Himself sees sinners as sheep without a shepherd, not as children of the devil – Mk. 6:34.
You know, there are sheep of Jesus’ who are not currently in the Sheep-fold or universal Church – Jn. 10:16. It was religious or spiritually deceptive people whom Jesus referred to as wolves in sheepskin, Tares and as Satan’s children – Jn. 8:44; Matt. 13:38.

So, the chief enemy of the Kingdom system of God will always be the deceptive religious or worldly system of Satan. Yes, according to Jesus, the world will believe when believers are united through the mutual sharing of His glory He has given to each.


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