The Kingdom of God as a System is integrated and is to affect all three aspects of man’s life, namely: man’s spirit, soul and body life – 1 Thess. 5:23.

This is probably why Jesus taught that, it is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole three was leavened – Matt.13:33.

You know, Man is a spirit with a soul and a body. The spirit is the same as the inner man and sometimes the heart. God’s work in the New Testament starts from the spirit, but does not the end there. It continues to the soul, which is made up of the will, mind and emotions.

Finally, God’s work of restoration is to end in your body or physical life. Your physical life is actually to ultimately mirror what God has done in your spirit and soul, else what has taken place in you becomes doubtful – Matt. 5:13-16.

Your physical life – God’s target for His Kingdom

The ultimate pleasure of God is to see the physical lives of mankind on this earth become as it is in Heaven, through the
‘Kingdomization’ of their spirit and souls. Yes, God will not stop short at saving only your spirit through the new birth – Heb. 7:25.

So our Jesus is in Heaven on our behalf, to ensure that those who profess faith in Him are saved completely i.e. spirit, soul and body.

Beloved, any message that does not include the restoration of what God has ordained for your earthly-life, at least, as it was in the beginning, falls short of its Kingdom requirements.

Limiting God’s Kingdom

The Church (local or universal) is Jesus’ means of practically establishing His Kingdom on earth. This establishment is His ultimate goal because there is no king who will be happy when you limit the place of his influence or rule.

The Kingdom of God therefore should be seen beyond yourself, your local Church, the universal Church, to the world – Matt. 13:24, 38, 41,

“…the kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seeds in His field…the field is the world….The son of man shall send forth His angels and they shall gather out of His kingdom…”.

Beloved, our physical world is God’s Kingdom. So, when Jesus physically comes back as a King from Heaven, He will not just physically rule over the universal Church, but His Kingdom will be the physical world.

The world’s system

The world system is actually the alternative Operating system to the Kingdom System that religious people use. The opposite of the Kingdom system is therefore the world’s religious system.

Yes, the world is made up of a physical space, its system and the people who use the system. The world, therefore, goes beyond being a physical place, to a system and the people functioning in this system.

Similarly, the Kingdom goes beyond a place to a System and the people who operate this Heavenly System of pleasing God.

God loves the world

My friend, God so loves the world i.e. the physical space, its system and its people that He gave His only Son to redeem and restore His Kingdom back to it – Jn. 3:16. You therefore cannot limit the Kingdom to a person and a place.

In fact, the only time Jesus was really upset while on earth, was when the ‘people of His House’ were demonstrating the selfishness of thieves, by not spreading His influence or System to other places outside the ‘House’ – Mk. 11:17,

“…is it not written, my house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? But you have made it a den of thieves”

Thus, the Kingdom of God is not limited to the Church, but is everywhere that humans are. This is why the nations are Jesus’ after-resurrection heritage, not just the Church – Ps. 2:6- 10; Acts 13:33; Rev. 2:27.

Yes, God wants His influence or His dominion as a King to be felt among humans all over the world. The Kingdom of God is therefore not just a place, but a System that can be in any place including Heaven, your life, the Church and the world.

Open up the Kingdom

Beloved, with the keys of the Kingdom, all believers are supposed to open up or break the limit on the influence of God, so that it can permeate all three aspect of life on earth – the spiritual, the ‘soulish’ (i.e. the will, emotions, mind) and the physical – Matt. 13:33,
“The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.”


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