The Good-news of the Kingdom is the Word of God’s grace – Acts. 20:32, Heb. 12:28.

And it will be presented on both individual and group basis, as our dearest Jesus did mainly to the Jews in His ‘three and half year’ ministry.

But, this time around, because of the all-embracing reach of the Spirit of grace, whom the Lord Jesus sent to us for His ‘kingdomization’ agenda, the Kingdom would be directed to “all nations” as well.

Tasting the Kingdom where you are

It is for them all to witness or taste the great powers of the Kingdom-age to come – Heb. 6:5. You need to understand that, nations are not just geographical land territories, but people-groups – 1 Pet. 2:9; Gen. 25:23-24.

The Greek word translated “nations” in Matt. 24:14, is the word ‘ethnos’, out of which the English word ‘ethnic’ is derived. This Greek word refers to a group of people, irrespective of geo-political boundaries, who have similar lifestyles, habits and therefore circumstances.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is, therefore, to be presented on group basis also, just as our dearest Jesus did to the Jews of His time – Lk. 4:43. It is so that, it addresses the specific needs of people-groups, who have similar outlook on life, ways of doing things, or habits.

This is aimed at enabling all people-groups to experience practically the rule of God or what God has ordained for them. This will be a prelude to Jesus’ second coming where He comes as a Lion or a clearly manifest physical King.

The Lord’s Treasure

The treasure of every king is his kingdom. It is his glory. If you take that away from him, he has

no glory. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God was like a Treasure which a person found and hid it in a field. For the joy of the discovery, he went and sold all he had and bought the field that contained the Treasure – Matt. 13:44.

He sold all he had, wow! Beloved, if you have challenges with commitment to God, then the real challenge is not seeing the Lord’s Treasure. Because when you do, you will sell all you have for it.

Such is how our dearest Jesus treated the Kingdom of God. He committed with His life to it. Yes, He died to buy the whole field or world which is to contain His Kingdom or the Divine Operating System of God.

Swimming in God’s Operating System

So, such is how to relate to the Kingdom-ways of God. When you seek it, you will find it – Lk. 12:32. And, when you find it, it is like a fish finding the original water in which it should be.

You will have no problems releasing your all to it; to make it operational in you, in others and in society as a whole – Lk. 16:16.

Thy Kingdom Come

We will end this chapter with a look at how the Kingdom of God comes in a person or place. Our Lord Jesus taught that the System of God comes in many ways including these seven. The Kingdom of God comes with:

  1. Prayer – Matt. 6:9-10; Is. 51:16. John the Baptist planted or sowed the Kingdom as a mustard seed with intercessory prayer in the wilderness of Judea. It often takes such a prayer determination to enforce God’s rule against all debilitating hindrances of religion.
  2. Power – Mk. 9:1b; Matt. 16:19. God rules over all enemies through the greatness of His power – Ps. 66:3.
  3. Inspired preaching and or teaching – Lk. 16:16; 1 Cor. 4:19-20; Is. 51:16.
  4. Focused seeking, passion or zeal – Is. 9:7; Matt. 6:33; Lk. 17:20-21.
  5. Practical work – Col. 4:11
  6. Faith that works by love – Matt. 13:31; Lk. 17:6; Gal. 5:6. Both the Kingdom of God and Faith are likened to the mustard seed, because they are linked. By your faith and love you can bring about God’s realm or rule into your life and everywhere God sends you.
  7. God’s goodwill and sovereignty – Matt. 11:25- 26; Lk. 12:32; Rom. 10:20; Ps. 68:18; Gal. 4:1-4.

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