kingdom in men

The Kingdom of God on earth, (re-presented by its perfect Representative, our dearest Jesus), is God’s way or system of pleasing Him.

So our dear Jesus said that the Kingdom was not “of” this world i.e. its source is Heaven. But its destination is the earth – Jn. 18:36.

Yes, God’s Kingdom-way of living that our Jesus modelled and taught is like the Operating System of a computer. Just as an Operating System runs the computer hardware, the Kingdom system is to run the ‘hardware’ called earth.

Yes beloved, you can only please God by using His System whilst on earth. Now, if you are a believer, you carry this Kingdom system and therefore
should function in it wherever you are – Lk. 17:21.

Yes, the Kingdom-system is for you and others to please God by as you seek it, see it, enter it and inherit it now for the future.
This is important because if it cannot be now, it cannot be in future – Heb. 12:28. Hallelujah!

Dimensions of the Kingdom

Beloved, the Kingdom of God among mankind was represented to us because of Jesus’ person, principles and performance as a position, a lifestyle, and an arrangement, that ensures the rule of God in a person or place.

The Kingdom as an arrangement

As an ‘arrangement’, the Kingdom of God is not just for the future, but is the Nation of God into which believers are spiritually translated.

In other words, like eternal life, which is not just for the future, but also a present reality, so is the Kingdom or System of God.

Now, the translation of a person into the Nation of God occurs when the one receives Jesus as Lord and Saviour – Col. 1:13, “He hath delivered us from
the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son.”

The Kingdom as a ‘position’

Beloved, God’s Kingdom as a ‘position’ is simultaneously placed within you at the new birth – Lk. 17:21. This positioning-within potentially makes you an ambassador or a representative of God’s nation on this earth, as a believer – 2 Cor. 5:20; Eph. 6:20.

The Kingdom as a lifestyle

Dear friend, the Kingdom is not just a position you receive alone. As we noted in chapter one, it is a way of life also. It is just like the position of righteousness that you obtain at the new birth – Rom.5:17, 19.

As you know, this must translate into a lifestyle of righteousness. This lifestyle of righteousness is not to make you righteous. Rather it is to prove that you are already righteous by the grace of Jesus, in offering you His righteousness for your sins on the Cross – 1 Jn. 3:7; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Cor. 1:18.

Practical Kingdom-living

The Kingdom as a ‘lifestyle’ therefore requires that, mankind taste or experience what God has ordained on daily basis in this life for the future.

This means that, God wants you to experience or taste on a daily basis, His system of peace, prosperity, power, purity, preservations, possibilities, Presence of God, purpose of God, people, praises, pleasures or joy, passion or hot love etc. This is how the Kingdom of God is to express itself in your daily lives.

My friend, the Kingdom-life is the life of tasting Heaven-on earth in the two main aspects of life, as a King and priest, not as a king or priest – Heb. 6:5., Lk.14:24, Rev. 1:6, 5:10.

Biblical Kingdom terminologies

To lead a practical Kingdom-life requires that you differentiate between having God and the Kingdom of God. God is a Person but the Kingdom of God is God’s rule in your life. Therefore, you can have God and not have His Kingdom or His rule over you practically.

And the Kingdom of God is the same as the Kingdom of Heaven. This is because in the same narratives where the Gospel according to Matthew uses the phrase “Kingdom of Heaven”, the Gospel according to Luke uses the Phrase “Kingdom of God”.

There is however a difference also between the Kingdom of Heaven and Heaven. Yes, Heaven is a Place, but the Kingdom of Heaven is the rule or influence of this wonderful Place on your life now.

Now, what Jesus mostly taught was the ‘Kingdom of Heaven or of God’ i.e. the rule, influence or system of Heaven or God in people’s life.

Therefore, you can be a citizen of Heaven and not have Heaven’s rule over you. Yes, this is just as you can be a citizen of a country and not live by your country’s system, but by another countries system.

Seek the Kingdom

Child of God, God’s rule, influence, realm or order should be what every citizen of Heaven must live in and reflect everywhere. Yes, what God has ordained is what you must strive to live in and live by now for the future.

So, from today, you must have the practical rule or influence of Heaven over you, and not just be a candidate for Heaven. Yes, our dearest Jesus must not just be a Saviour but a Lord or King over you, absolutely controlling you by His Kingdom-word.

Heaven on earth

Beloved, Heaven is a Place of the practice of God’s system that pleases Him. You must therefore operate in Heaven’s system on earth now for the future – Matt. 6:10.

Thus, you will obtain, use and promote in your daily life, the Heavenly-brand of love, hope, faith, prosperity, preservation, purity, power, purpose etc. Hallelujah!


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