The word ‘kingdom’ is from two words – ‘king’ and ‘dominion’. Fundamentally, it means ‘the controlling influence or rule of a king or queen over an area’.

The concept of Kingdom was began by God on earth in the Garden of Eden – Genesis 1:26, “And God said, let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over…all the earth…”.

Thus originally, mankind was made a king and the dominion was “all the earth”.

The way of God

Beloved, being in the “image” of God implied (among other things) that humans could rule, manage or take charge on earth in the place of God. And, our being in the “likeness” of God implied that we could rule in
God’s way, as if God was the One directly ruling, because our daily style will be His style.

Now, this way or style of God was the Kingdom-way of life expected of mankind that pleases God.

Two lifestyles

Therefore, mankind was given a Kingdom lifestyle or way of life that was befitting their status as God’s rulers or regents on earth; and a choice for a religious lifestyle that represented their own ways of ruling.

This Kingdom-lifestyle or way of life was symbolized and promoted by the Tree of Life.

And the religious-way of life was symbolized by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that also promoted it.

Kingdom and religious ways of living

Kingdom-lifestyle, therefore, refers to God’s original ways or system of going about things on earth; which brings about His rule on earth. Religious living, however, is man’s own way of living to please God that
is based on a half-truth.

Religion- the highest form of deception

Now, much as it seems good, appears wise to mankind, religion does not please God. This is because it has evil lurking behind its good, making it half good and half bad.

Yes, beloved, religion is a mixture of good and evil, hot and cold, truth and falsehood; and this makes it the highest form of deception. Yet, it has always appealed to people who
are trying to live for God, like our first parents in Eden.

The things of God versus the things of man

Yes, this is what occurred in the life of the Apostle Peter also -“He (Jesus) rebuked Peter, saying, ‘get behind Me Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men” – Mk. 8:33, Matt. 16:23.

Now, “the things of God” are the Kingdom-ways of God and “the things of men” are the religious-ways of Satan, because he backs it.

Please understand that, the devil was a Kingdom creature who fell into religion, making him uphold half-truths and half-falsehoods, by which he deceived mankind into religion in Eden, and still does even now.

So, just as experienced by the Apostle Peter, (the first leader of the followers of our dearest Jesus,) everybody following Jesus today will be torn between filling his mind and life with the Kingdom system of Jesus or the religious ways of humans.

From Kingdom to religion

So, in times past, mankind through Adam chose a religious life that was offered by religious Satan in Eden. And since then, God has always been calling mankind to come out of it, for the original Kingdom-ways of life that He initially put mankind on in Eden.

Yes, God first demonstrated this call by rejecting Adam’s fig-leaf clothing. You know, this clothing stood for mankind’s own efforts at helping themselves to please God.

But, God’s preference was His Animal-skin clothing, which stood for Jesus, the Kingdom-way of pleasing God in the face of sin.

From religion back into the Kingdom

Beloved, in times past, mankind have therefore been saddled with Adam’s choice to practice religion, since our fall from God’s type of ruler-ship, until God graciously re-introduced His Kingdom-life and ways, in its fullest expression through our dearest Jesus – Is. 9:6-7.

Through our dear Jesus therefore, God is asking you to change your mind (repent) about following your religious-ways to embrace His Kingdom-ways again – Matt. 4:17, “From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

Jesus the Kingdom-bringer

Our immediate quote was Jesus’ first recorded public preaching words. By the Law of first mention, they must mean a lot to Him.

So, my friend, you have to make up your mind today, to reject the religious-ways you have been operating, for God’s original way, as re-presented by Jesus, which we call the Kingdom-way – Acts 17:30, “Truly, these times
of ignorance God overlooked, but now command’s all men everywhere to repent.…”.


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