After His resurrection, Jesus is revealed through the breaking of Bread or the Word of God – Lk. 24:35; Rev. 3:20. It is because He is the Word of God – Jn.1:1,14.

There are Ministers of the gospel who see the Word of God as a means to an end and not an end in itself. They see the ministry of the Word of God as a
stepping stone to the ‘real ministry’, which to them, comes after the Word has been ministered.

But, this is not how God wants us to see and use His Word in the Kingdom scheme of Jesus.

The ultimate of God

In the Kingdom of God, the Word of God is the end, and not a means to the end. Actually, what God want to give to you goes beyond miracles, success,
fame, riches, happiness, health, ‘breakthrough’ etc. When He has given you these, He still wants to put His Kingdom-words i.e. Himself into you.

So, when we have had all the good things of life, it is not over. We should still seek God’s Word because that is Himself.
Heaven and earth will pass away but God’s Word or Jesus will still remain our pursuit because, even eternity is not enough to know all the dimensions of God,
who is the Word. Your attitude to the Word of God, as a minister, is so important to God that He calls for double honour to be given to those who minister it well – 1 Tim. 5:17.

He also says those who deviate from the teachings of Jesus should not be entertained – 2 Jn. 8-11.

Rightly divide the Word

Moreover, all those who work with God would get His approval by rightly dividing His Word – 2 Tim. 2:15. Furthermore, Jesus did not commit Himself to
believers who believed in Him because of seeing miracles, but to those who believed because of hearing His Kingdom-words – Jn. 2:23-25; Rom. 10:17.

He even warned of dire consequences for those who add or subtract from the Words of the revelation of Jesus – Rev. 22:18-19.

What will matter in the end.

Why does God seem to put a lot of premium on His Words? It is because He isHis Word, and His Word is Him. You cannot separate God from His Words and vice-versa.

So, in the Kingdom system, the Word of God cannot be treated casually, just because you have a ‘successful’ ministry.
God cares about what you say about Him, just as He indicated in the end of the Book of Job, a Kingdom man – Job. 42:7-8.

Our dearest Jesus also prophesied that many ‘successful’ ministries would be denied in the end; probably because of not obeying the Kingdom-words that
Jesus commanded us, even though they display some of His power – Matt. 28:18-20; 7:21-29.

You know, in spite of the many supernatural exploits and experiences that the Church of Corinth was noted for, they lacked the revelation of Jesus – 1 Cor.1:4-7.

The purpose of the revelation of Jesus

So, as Apostle Paul told them, Jesus wants to reveal Himself to the church spiritually before He does same to the world physically i.e. in His second coming – 1 Cor. 1:7-9.

The purpose of this revelation is to prepare or confirm you for His second coming, referred to as the Day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This spiritual revealing of Jesus to His people is to make them enjoy Kingdom life now before the full expression of the Kingdom or rule of God during the Millennium.

In the Book of Revelation, we see that Jesus revealed Himself spiritually to the Seven Asia-Minor churches before to the world in Rev. 19.
My friend, God is faithful to grant the Last-day church a revelation of His Son, just as He did to the early church.
During that time, Jesus spoke to them only on the Kingdom of God – Acts 1:3; Rev. 3:20.

You know, God always declares the end from the beginning, and so will do same to the Last-day Church – Is. 46:10.
The teaching of the Word of God is essential to this revealing of Jesus, because He is the Word of God.

And this teaching is to be championed by the five-fold ministry gifts in this endtime. This is just as the apostles who were eyewitnesses of Jesus’ glory did in the
beginning – 1 Jn. 1:1-3; 2 Pet. 1:16-21.

Preachers of Jesus

As we have said, God faithfully declares the end from the beginning. He desires to use you to make Himself known, just as Moses had in every city people who preached or revealed him – Acts 15:21.

If Moses who was a servant had his preachers in all cities, how much more should Jesus, the Son and Word of God, have many people to teach to reveal Him – Heb. 3:1-6.

So, the object of teaching the Kingdom-words of Jesus is to reveal the Person of Jesus, and not just to fill people with head knowledge.
This must be your sincere and fervent prayer, even as you teach Him.

Knowledge and pride

There are Ministers who shy away from the Word of God because they claim that knowledge makes you proud.

They throw away precision of knowledge and handles God’s Word anyhow, as if it is an interruption on the demonstration of power in a Service.

But, the knowledge that makes you proud is scientific knowledge or ‘gnosis’, as in the Greek language – 1 Cor. 8:1. You know, the Corinth’s who were Greeks
were generally very scholarly and erudite.

So, it is not revelation-knowledge or ‘epignosis’ of Jesus that makes you proud. On the contrary, when you see or gain an awareness of Jesus, you will realize
that you do not know anything at all, so there is no place for pride, but rather a continuous longing for more of Him – 1 Cor. 8:2.

Don’t you like that, my friend? Throughout eternity we will be longing for more revelation of God. Halleluiah!


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