“Search the scriptures, for in them ye think that ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me” – Jn. 5:39.

Our Lord Jesus spoke the words quoted above. The Scripture’s that He referred to was the Old Testament. The New Testament had not been constituted then.
You know, a testament like a testimony always testifies of somebody, in this case our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, Jesus is concealed in the Old Testament, mysteriously intermingled with its personalities like Adam, Abel, Enoch, and Noah etc., who are witnesses of Him.

Discerning Jesus

Our dearest Jesus is also hidden ‘behind’ the phenomena and objects of the Old Testament like the Voice of God, the Light of God, the Tree of Life, the Garden of Eden, the Animal skin (that God used to clothe our first parents), Abel’s sacrifice, the Mark on Cain’s, Noah’s Ark.

Others are: the Ark of the Covenant, the Red Heifer, the Bronze Serpent, the Burning Torch (of the Abrahamic covenant), the High Priest, the Wisdom of God, the Passover lamb etc.

Furthermore, every part of the Old Testament that mentions any of the five sacrifices namely burnt, meat, peace, sin and trespass offerings is a pointer to the Lord Jesus. This is because He sums up all these offerings in His one sacrifice on the Cross. Hallelujah!

Also, every name of the Old Testament testifies of Jesus, either in whole or in part, that like a jigsaw puzzle, fit into the grand picture of Him.

Moreover, Jesus is splashed like a secret watermark in every action of people in the Old Testament, in whole or in jigsaw-parts. This watermark is only revealed by the Father of Lights, in whose Light alone we see Light – Ps. 36:9; Matt. 16:16-19.

The grand test

As you know, Jesus made all things and so has His divine fingerprints, as a trademark or logo, on all His work of creation – Jn. 1:1-2; Rom. 1:19-20. He is indeed the Logo of the Triune God, intricately woven into and or embossed on all of creation.

So, we should discern our dearest Jesus everywhere and in all things. Discerning Him is actually the grand test that all humanity should pass in this New Testament of the Kingdom, in order to discover themselves.

Yes, it is when we rightly discern Jesus that we will rightly make out our own selves – Eph. 1:16-18; Acts 17:28.

Then, we will be ready to live or exist, move or make progress, and have our being or self-fulfilment in life and ministry, all in a kingdom-way.

Re-concealing Jesus

So, dear leader-of-God’s-people, the Old Testament heroes are a type of Jesus, not of any man of God. He said the Old Testament testify of Him, not of you.

You know, sometimes, ministers read about heroes like Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha etc. and talk about them as if these are their kind in this New Testament of the Kingdom, since they are all ministers.

Unfortunately when they do this, they further conceal our Jesus Christ whom these Heroes of faith and their actions reveals or should portray.

Dear Minister of God, the Old Testament Ministers and prophets and what they did are attesting to Jesus, not to your ministry-type or to you as a man of God or present-day prophet.

For example, the Old Testimony or Testament, including 2Chronicles 20:20, (which encourages us to believe in God to be established and in His prophets to prosper) testifies of Jesus, not of you or your ministry.

Our blessed Lord Jesus is now our Prophet or Voice of God that we should believe to prosper – Heb. 1:1-2.

So, your work in the Kingdom-ministry of this New Testament is to reveal the concealed Jesus in you or others; not to reveal you or others in Jesus – Gal. 1:15-16.


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