For a traditional Royal in this world, there are symbols and emblems of dominion such as a sceptre, royal ring, crown, throne, robe etc. These are instruments of dominion because it places you in authority.
Similarly, with the advent ofthe Kingdom of God, our dearest Jesus bequeathed to His Royals i.e. to us, the Kingdom-means of exercising dominion on earth. These are the instruments of dominion inthe Kingdom of God.
Of course, there is a religiousmeans of exercising dominion, with its instruments of domination. We will consider these religious instruments in chapter eight.
Seven spiritual means of having dominion
But for now, let us discuss some of the spiritual means of exercising dominion or Kingdom that are available for a Kingdom-citizen. By these instruments, you seek the Kingdom
in your life.
1. The name of Jesus – Col.3:17; Mk. 16:17-18; Phil. 2:10-11.
The name of Jesus has been limited to our prayers. However, it is not just for prayers, but for life. Also, it is not given for you to use it, but for you to have it.
So, you should ‘possess’ the name of Jesus as your own because you are one spirit, body and mind with Him – 1Cor. 6:17; Eph. 5:30; 1 Cor.2:16.
Now, if you use the name without spiritually ‘possessing’ or identifying with it, you may invite attacks from the spiritual world against your course and situation – Acts 19:13-17.
2. The second instrument for ruling in life is: the Blood of Jesus – Heb.12:24; Rev. 5:1-14.
The Blood of Jesus is basically for the remission of Sin – Matt.26:28. However, it also opens up the hidden blessings in God’s Word to us practically – 1 Jn. 5:6.
You know, God’s Word is called a Testament or Will. And, every Will is sealed and needs to be torn open by authorized people – Rev. 5:1-10. The Blood of Jesus is the Blood or life of the Testament or Word – Heb.9:16-27. It gives life or physical practical expression to God’s will or Word for you on earth.
In other words, the Blood activates the Word and Will of God for you; making it come alive, by revelation and practical fulfilment.
Thus, we have come to the Blood of sprinkling that speaks better things like health, prosperity, peace, protection, fruitfulness, righteousness etc – Heb. 12:24.
3. The next Kingdominstrument of dominion is: the Communion or the Lord’s Supper – Jn. 6:50, 55, 57.
The Communion brings dominion. Beloved, when Adam and Eve ate the Tree of Life, they maintained their dominion over all things on earth. As long as they ate God’s food, Eternal Life was reinforced in them.
Communion implies oneness. It ensures that what is flowing in the Vine i.e. Jesus, flows in the Branches i.e. you as well; thus strengthening the oneness between you and Jesus, the human and the divine, the secular and the spiritual – Jn. 15:1-5; Col. 1:20.
Thus, you may have Eternal Life, or God’s Life and not live practically by it. This is where you are dominated by your limited human life. But, the Communion infuses the Life of God or the divine into your bloodstream, bones, mind, spirit etc. Yes, it instantly destroys what is not of God in you, pushing out the negatives of your human life.
Beloved, the Communion Table is the highest referral hospital to transfer any case to. It is the Operation table of the greatest Physician, the Lord Jesus. The Communion is the best capsule containing Life-giving power to any dying organ of the body.
By your continual reinforcement of oneness with Jesus, you remember the death of Jesus and the life that humanity receives when they believe!
May His superior Life take over all frailties and limitations of religious living!
4. The fourth Kingdominstrument for enforcing the rule of God is Kingdom-love.
My friend, Kingdom-love is the unconditional type modelled by Jesus. It is God’s conquering force – Rom. 8:35-37. Yes, Kingdom-love is a mysterious way of having dominion or bringing about God’s rule in people and in society.
By it, we conquer both mankind and Satan – Rom. 12:14-21. Indeed, Kingdom-love is the greatest force on earth. It moves humans and makes you invincible to Satan.
Yes, it makes you indestructible and unconquerable. It also makes you enjoy God’s abiding and refreshing Presence that puts you on top of life – Jn.14:21, 23. Hallelujah!
5. The fifth instrument of dominion is: the Word of God – Jn. 1:1-14.
You know, our dearest Jesus came as the Word of God. It is because that was what humanity needed to get back into dominion from our ‘bad fall’ in Eden.
Beloved, a person of Kingdompower or dominion is one who has understanding and wisdom concerning his knowledge of God – Eph. 1:16-18.
Yes, knowledge gives you dominion and makes you powerful and resilient; understanding makes you established and stable; and wisdom makes you practical and progressive in life. All these, which are basically from the Word, are needed for you to have practical dominion or rule on daily basis.
You know, the devil does not seem to fear any personality, except the Word of God – Gen.1:2; Job 1:6; Matt. 4: 1-11.
That is why Jesus used the Word to conquer him in His Temptations. My friend, you will conquer in the same way, so study the Word with Its real Author, the Holy Spirit – 2 Cor.4:6-7; 2 Tim. 2:1.
6. The sixth instrument of dominion that Jesus bequeathed to us is: ruler-ship grace and the gift of righteousness – Rom. 5:17.
There are types of grace in Jesus – 1 Pet. 5:10. The one for ruling in life is the Kingdom or dominion type. But, it must be in abundance in your life because everybody alive on earth has grace.
Ruler-ship or dominion grace has seven features as listed below.
a) It ministers God’s divine ability to you, not just undeserved favour. A genuine grace, like a currency, has these two sides – 1 Cor.1:18
b) It does not encourage sin – Rom. 6:1-2; 3:8, Jud.4
c) It is consistent with truth – Jn.1:17, 2 Pet. 1:2, 3:18
d) It does not make you go to sleep, but causes you to labour in it – 1 Cor.15:10; 2 Cor. 6:1.
e) It is not gotten once but you grow or increase in it, into abundance – Rom.5:17; Jas.4:6
f) It is consistent with righteousness – Rom.5:17, 21; Titus 2:11
g) It exalts Jesus or is Christcentred – Jn. 1:17.
7. The seventh instrument of dominion in life that was bequeathed to us by Jesus is: the anointing – Acts 1:8
Understand that our Lord Jesus came by the anointing.
That was the most striking thing about Him. So striking that it formed part of His name. The word ‘Christ’ means the ‘anointed one’. You know, His name was Jesus, but the Christ was a descriptive title. He was therefore ordinarily known as Jesus the anointed one.
Apostle Paul once referred to the Gospel as the Gospel of Christ – Rom. 1:16. In other words, it is the Gospel of the anointing. It is a message that brings the anointing of God into our lives.
Yes, it is the good news of the anointing or ability of God on earth.
When man had his bad fall in Eden, we fell short of the glory of God. This was where God introduced the anointing on earth. The purpose basically was to enable us to be able to access the glory that we lost because of the fall.
The anointing therefore is a divine ability that gives you access into what and how God wants us to live. Beloved, you cannot please God with human ability. That is living short of the glory realm in which Adam and Eve originally lived.
So, Adam did not need the anointing before the fall, but now we need it in Jesus Christ to enable us to live (to some extent) beyond the ramifications of the fall.
Understand that Satan’s strategy in this end-time is to be anti-Christ i.e. to be against the anointing in your life. It is because you have a measure of the anointing, being a Christian.
So, he tries to use some seven instruments of domination to take the place of the true anointing or Heavenly ability in your life.
My friend, the anointing is brought by the Holy Spirit. And the relationship between the Holy Spirit and His anointing is like the one between water and wet.
Water is a substance and wet is a condition you have when water is on you – Lk. 4:18. Thus, the anointing is a condition you have when the Holy Spirit is usually on you.