Here, we will start discussing the profile of a Kingdom person or Church. You know, they are the people we should seek to have around, as they will bring about the Kingdom of God practically now – Rom. 8:19,
“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God”.

Spiritual and physical relevance

Beloved, our dearest Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God was as small as a mustard seed that grows up to become greater than all herbs; shooting out great branches under which the ‘birds’ lodge – Mk.4:30-32.

So, Kingdom-sons who promote the Kingdom of God on our wretched earth are the hope of the rest of humanity. You know, humanity needs great branches to shield them from all sorts of heat or afflictions.

Thus, one of the most important features of a Kingdom-person or Church is shooting out “great branches”, (not little branches) that ‘alleviate the suffering and inabilities of the world’s system, symbolized by birds of the air’.

Great branches

Beloved, the world should no longer define the Church as a gathering of some weird people in a building with a Cross on its roof. Rather, just as they cannot classify God, they should not be able to classify His children for their versatility and dexterity in branching out into other areas of life, without eclipsing their spirituality.

You know, God is a spirit, but He created a great physical world to contain His Kingdom system, His precious treasure – Matt. 13:44. So my friend, understand that the Kingdom system of God is to make you relevant to humanity in all areas of life; like in the intellectual and scientific, Information Technology, Business and commerce, medical and hospitality, the agricultural, financial, educational sector, transport sector, media etc.

Kings and priests

This is actually why our dearest Lord Jesus died for humanity to make us kings and priests to God now, not kings or priests, and not kings and priest in future. – Rev. 1:6. You know, Kings and priests are in charge of the physical and spiritual aspects of life respectively.

So, Kingdom-persons and Kingdom-churches are going to be all over the place, mesmerizing the world’s system; yes, being so relevant to daily goings-on that the kings of the earth will come to the brightness of their rising wisdom and glory – Is. 60: 1-3, 10-11.Hallelujah!

Jesus our example

My friend, our dear Lord Jesus Christ Himself is referred to as the BRANCH – Zech. 3: 8-9; 6:12-15.

In that capacity, He is going to branch out and unite in Himself the two offices of a King and Priest, having power with men as a King and power with God, as a Priest.
That is partly why He told Peter ‘and the rest of the apostles’ that He will build His Church with Kingdom-reach into the earth – Matt. 16:17-20.

What humans can build

You know, a human being who is building the Church will find difficulty in combining the spiritual with other sectors of life, but not our Lord Jesus.
His name is the BRANCH, and He is the only One who can branch out of the main and still maintain the juices of the main in the appendage – Hallelujah!

So, God will enable us to reflect and model the spiritual principles of His Kingdom in various aspects of life. Yes, according to Zechariah’s prophecy, it is when we are obedient to the Lord that this ‘branching’ will come about – Zech.6:15.

Dear child of God, the Lord Jesus is building His Church and His Kingdom-people after Himself, i.e. with many sides (in such a way that they will be a wonder to the world) – Zech. 3:8.


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