Our Lord Jesus was a Royal because His Father has from eternity always been the King of Heaven and the whole universe.
So, before He became a Saviour by whose Ruling Blood we are saved from sin and its derivatives (like death, sickness, poverty, curse, confusion, punishment of sin etc), He was a King.

Qualified to take our place

This is why He could represent us. In the first Kingdom era on earth in Eden, only one snake allowed itself to be used by Satan to deceive Eve, the mother of us all.
But, when the curse on that snake came from God, it affected all snakes irrespective of species everywhere on earth. It is because this snake that Satan used was the ‘king’ of snakes.

So, it represented all snakes, which then had to suffer for their leader’s collaboration with Satan – something they may not have been aware of and contributed to. This is how the kingdom system of God is like. Once your king or representative errs, you have erred in God’s sight.
When your king or representative gets it right, you have gotten it right in God’s sight. Good! not so? You know, it enhances love and care, the hallmark of God’s Kingdom system, doesn’t it? –See 1 Cor. 12:26.

This is why in re-introducing the Kingdom system, God had to get a King or Royal to come to suffer and die for mankind. This was the only way to get mankind ‘born again’ into the royalty that they knew before in Adam.

So, you necessarily have to acknowledge that Jesus is a Royal or King or Lord, in order for His sacrifice on the Cross to apply to you in the greatest degree – Rom. 10:9,
“…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Yes, a king should be acknowledged publicly. That is why you should say with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord over sin and its derivatives. Then and only then can He be your Saviour and can you call yourself saved from slavery into royalty.

Your royal majesty

So, the Royal Blood that washes away your sin makes you a royal or ruler as well. As such, you are empowered to rule over self, sin, sickness, situations, society and Satan. Yes, the purpose of releasing the Royal or Kingly Blood is to make Jesus’ believers kings and priest, who rule on earth – Rev. 1:5-6,
“…and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own Blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever”.

So, the apostle John said to all believers that, by the washing away of their sins in the Royal or Ruling Blood, they were already made kings and priests i.e. now, not tomorrow. Yes, if you are already made a king, then you should rule now, not just in the world to come. You know, to mankind, you may not be a king and priest, but not to God. The Royal Blood makes you a royal or king in God’s sight.

Think and act like a ruler

The Royal Blood makes you a royal of God. So, Your Majesty, you can only glorify it by believing, thinking, speaking and acting like it in your life now. Hallelujah!
That is what I want you to see. Being washed from your sin and covered with the Ruler’s Blood makes you a king who should rule in this life; to testify to the kind of Blood that washed and saved you.

It is the Ruling or Royal Blood of God, that as a Son, Jesus carried and shed to affect your status before God, by moving you from slavery to ruler-ship.

Like Jesus like you

So as His believers, we have the same Royal Blood of Jesus flowing through our spiritual veins. This is because Jesus is the Vine and believers are the branches – Jn. 15: 5.

Therefore, what flows through the Vine flows through us as well! And because the spiritual always rules the physical, this spiritual Royal Blood of Jesus in you takes over the effect of your natural blood inherited from your earthly parents.

My friend, Jesus’ Royal Blood has no negatives in it unlike the natural blood flowing in you. Yours may be tainted genetically with sicknesses like diabetics, sickle cell, curses, and other negative proclivities because of sin in your ancestry. But, Jesus’ Royal Blood has only rulers proclivities in it because it is of God.

That is why with it, you can rule in this current life. The Royal spiritual Blood in you in Christ ‘changes’ your biological genetics for the better. It puts you in the class of the greatest Ruler in the greatest degree ever.

You know, in a parents blood is the surest proof that a child is theirs. So, what made Jesus the Son of God is the Royal Blood of God in Him. Similarly, what makes us children of God is God’s Royal Blood in us in Christ Jesus.

Son-ship and heir-ship

And, being sons of God is automatically being heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ – Rom. 8:17,
“ And if children, then heirs- heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together”.

Beloved, the common thing that we share with God and Jesus is the sin-free Royal Blood. So, cherish the Kingly Blood of Jesus because it makes you rule in life over self, sin, sickness, situations, society and Satan. This is apart from the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness – Rom. 5:17,

“For if by the one man’s offence death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ”.

Eternal life is in the Ruler’s Blood

Also, you should cherish the Royal Blood because the life of a living flesh is in the blood – Lev. 17:11. Similarly, the Life of God is in His Royal spiritual Blood. That is why the Scripture says: God has given to us eternal Life. And this Life is in His Son Jesus. He who has the Son has Life. And he who does not have the Son or Jesus does not have God’s Life – 1 Jn. 5:11-12.

The Lord’s Supper

Jesus is the container of God’s Royal Blood which also contains God’s Life. This is why anytime you take the Lord’s Supper (made up of Jesus’ Body and Blood) you activate the Life of God within you. This activated-Life then superimposes it’s blessings on your human frailties like sicknesses, prolonged-weaknesses and pre-mature death – See 1 Cor.11:30.
Beloved, this Life of God is sin-free, poverty-free, sickness-free, curse-free, confusion-free, ‘shame’-free etc. Yes, God’s Life on earth is one of righteousness, riches, health, blessings, peace, glory etc.

It is a ruling life that puts you over self, sin, sickness, situations, society and Satan. Such will be your experience as you partake of the Royal or Ruling Blood of Jesus by taking the Lord’s Supper. And you will do it as often as you can, in remembrance of Jesus the Container of the Royal Blood.
Yes, my friend, you must always remember the Royal Body of Jesus and the Royal Blood it contained and that was shed for you. As you do, the Royal life of Jesus will be activated in you to rule over your human life, curtailing its limitations.


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