Beloved, the devil likes to make ‘nonsense’ of the precious fruits or character traits of the kingdom. He does this by initiating, perpetuating and popularizing a religious-version of God’s Kingdom fruits or character.

This way, people think they have them or know them. As such, they close up to the Kingdom-version of fruit or character-traits, when they see or hear about it. But, they are in deception because it is the religious-version that they have and know about.

Characteristics of Kingdom character

The main feature of a Kingdom character- trait is that it is based on and promotes the Person, Principles and Performance of our dearest Lord Jesus for us. For example, there is Kingdom righteousness that is based on faith in Jesus’ Performance on the Cross for us; by which He became sin for us to be
righteous by believing – 2 Cor. 5:21. Hallelujah!

Its religious-brand is religious righteousness that is also morally impeccable (just as Kingdom-righteousness) but does not please God. It is because it
has nothing to do with faith in our Lord Jesus’ exchange of His righteousness for our sins on the Cross – Rom.14:23b, “for anything done without faith is sin”.

Yes, your own righteousnessbased on working the Law isrighteousness all-right, butis still filthy rags before God –Is. 64:6. As such, it does not please Him although it appearsgreat before humans – Phil. 3:9, “And be found in Him, nothaving mine own righteousness,which is of the law, but thatwhich is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which
is of God by faith.”

Beloved, just as it is with righteousness as a character trait, (as just explained) so is it with other fruits of the Kingdom. For them all, there is a Kingdom version and a religious one. As you know, the devil as a copycat always counterfeits the originals of God.

Twelve fruits of the Kingdom

The Kingdom-tree bears twelve fruits or character-traits –Rev.22:1-2. Beloved, be encouraged to read and study about them with an open mind or an unveiled face, as we go through them. Understand that, religion as a veil, seeks to distort your view or awareness of the Kingdom brand of issues.

This is partly why our dearest Jesus said for us to beware of the leaven or teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees. It is because their religious
understanding of issues has a subliminal way of tainting God’s Kingdom understanding that you must have. This is because a little yeast or leaven is all it takes to affect whole dough i.e. your life or understanding – Matt. 16:6, 12; 1 Cor. 5:6.

The relevance of the Kingdom version of character traits

But beloved, our religious world needs the Kingdom system of God because its leaves are even presently for the healing or restoration of nations or people-groups. How much more will its fruits that you ingest into your understanding nourish your restored-life to please God! Hallelujah!

Be whole after healing

So, my friend, these Kingdom fruits or character-traits will more than restore or heal your life and society to be as God originally intended. Yes, it will make you whole. And you know that wholeness or restitution is greater than healing or restoration because it involves compensation on top of what one lost, so that have it more abundantly – Lk. 17:19; Jn. 10:10.

Thus, the Kingdom or system of God ensures the wholeness of individuals and people groups to a disposition that makes them bear the twelve character-fruits below.

The way Forward

Now for simplicity sake, I will firstly state them before we discuss each, one after the other as follows:
Kingdom-peace, Kingdom-presence, Kingdom-righteousness, Kingdom-power, Kingdom prosperity, Kingdom-love, Kingdom-praise, Kingdom-joy, Kingdom-faith, Kingdom-purpose, Kingdom Humility and Kingdom-wisdom.


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