“And Jesus said unto him, No one, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God” – Lk. 9:62.

In our main text repeated above, our Lord Jesus inferred that anyone who puts his hand to the plough, looking back (not ‘going back’) is unfit for practically accessing Kingdom-life and results – Lk. 9:62.22


Practical hard-work

The human hand here is a symbol of practical work, whether physical or mental. And the Plough(as a farm implement) is a heavy tool with a sharp blade or series of blades, for breaking up hard soil and making furrows. It is usually pulled by a tractor or draught animal.

So, the plough is an equipment to break hard ground and make it easy for plants to grow in it. Our Lord Jesus assures us that every hard socio-economic or spiritual environment can be broken and you can be fruitful or productive in it.

Yes, the Kingdom of God can be experienced anywhere on earth, no matter how hard the place is to you. You just have to put your ‘hand to the plough or job-of-work’ that God has given you, and keep looking ahead. Amen!


Don’t frown on good secular work

My friend, be rest assured that no matter how socially and economically hard your environment is, our dearest Jesus wants you to ‘put your hand to the plough’ or make use of the secular equipment or job He has pre-ordained for you to be occupied with.

This is in order to enjoy Kingdom-results in this life. You know, there are believers who look down their noses at secular work. This is why the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul’s personal example and teachings taught us that: “For we are His (God’s) workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” – Eph. 2:10

The Greek word translated “works” in this Scripture is ‘ergon’. This word primarily means ‘to work or toil as an effort or occupation’. So, our God has prepared before every believer particular occupation for each to be occupied with. Yes, this occupation or ‘ergon’ is what we now call secular jobs.

Thus the “good works” in our immediate quote is not only about doing courteous deeds, like helping an elderly person with a heavy luggage, or giving arms to the poor or being a philanthropist, but having good secular jobs or putting your hand to the plough– Eph. 4:28.


Good secular jobs

God has preordained for Jesus’ believers to be engaged in good secular occupations. That is why He gave everyone natural talents. And He does not take your talents away when you become a believer. It is enhanced by faith in our dearest Jesus and not rendered redundant.

Yes, our faith in the Lord’s second coming is not to eclipse what good occupation God has prepared beforehand for us to walk practically in. This position is clearly stated by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Titus 2:13-14, “Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave Himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”

Once again, the Greek word for ‘works’in this Scripture is ‘ergon’ i.e. ‘work, toil or occupation’. Wow! What God is telling you is to look for Jesus’ Rapture of the saints by being zealous of doing good secular jobs or ‘putting your hand to the plough’.

Yes, you show that you are Jesus’ redeemed believer by being enthusiastic (zealous) about good occupation here on earth. For the avoidance of doubt, the Holy Spirit re-iterates this ‘strange position’ through the Apostle Paul to Titus as follows: “Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,” – Titus 3:1.

The same Greek word ‘ergon’ or occupation is used here for “work”. Note: “to be ready”. That comes through like zealous or enthusiastic -for good work or occupation.

Again consider this verse: “This is a faithful saying and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.” – Titus 3:8.
It is the word ‘ergon’ or ‘toil’ or secular job used here again. You know, it is not a bad thing to do things that profits humanity.


Maintain good jobs

“And let our people (i.e. believers) also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful (i.e. unproductive)” – Titus 3:14.

There are some believers who are not able to maintain their good secular jobs. They keep moving from one to another because they cannot cope with people. This should not be so. By all means, quit the bad secular jobs wisely, but not altogether the good ones.

Beloved, I have gone through all this to emphasize our Jesus’ Kingdom-light that you should ‘put your hand to the plough’ or secular work(and not be idle); in order to have Kingdom results and tasteKingdom-life now for the future. Because, how can you enjoy and ingest what you have not tasted?


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