Already Fit

“Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love” – Col.1:12.

Beloved, God has already made us fit or qualified for Kingdom-life by the death of our dearest Lord Jesus on the Cross.

You will notice that the word ‘qualified’in our quote is a past tense rendition. That means whereas you were not fit for the Kingdom of God before Jesus’ death, now you are. Hallelujah!

So, as a Jesus-believerGod qualified you now, not later. It is because you need the qualification now i.e. in this life since Kingdom-life starts now. And you can enjoy it now, once it is God who made you fit for it.

Get some Kingdom-light

So no devil or human being can disqualify you from the blessings and lifestyle of the Kingdom. But you can disqualify yourself, in terms of practically enjoying or living out Kingdom-life now, for lack of Kingdom-light.

Please understand that the inheritance of all saints, who are translated into the Kingdom of God, is partaken of when you have Kingdom-understanding or light – Col. 1:12. It is because the inheritance that you should receive by the Performance of Jesus for you, is not by force or automatic.

Yes, no blessing of God is forced on mankind. So get the Kingdom light that we are discussing in this royal book to access Kingdom-life and Kingdom-results now. Hallelujah to Jesus!

In the next posts, we will consider some Kingdom-light from the Lord Jesus Himself.


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