“I was sick and you visited me” – Matt. 25:36b.

The next way of enjoying Kingdom-life now for the future is to call on the sick. The sick refers to those who have something wrong with them. You know, it is easy to shun and isolate people when they are handicapped and suffering from some malady – whether physical, social or spiritual.

But, God wants Jesus’ believers and all nations not to make the sick part of Israel affect their relationship with them.

Partly sick Israel

Beloved, it is not for people to support Israel only when all is well with them. Nations of the world and all of Jesus’ believers need to comfort and visit our Lord’s brethren although they may be wrong about something.

Yes, it is because of the house of the Lord our God that we should seek for the good of Jerusalem, not necessarily because they are right about everything – Ps. 122:9.

Again, it is for the sake of believers of Jesus who are Israelites that we should seek for peace in and with them – Ps. 122:8. After all, they have been mysteriously made blind or sick
in part“…until the fullness of the gentiles has come in”. And then God will turn to save them from their blindness– Rom. 11:25-27. Until then, Jesus’ gentile believers should visit and bless them. Hallelujah!

Taking care of the sick

Beloved, all people on earth who are sick (physically or mentally)need your physical care. In other words, it is not enough to pray for their healing. But whilst waiting for their literal healing, you should also give them the love and care that restores the human soul.

The supernatural and the humane

Remember our dearest Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power and went about doing good works and healing all who were sick because God was with Him – Acts 6:38.
He is our grand example of not just healing but doing practical good deeds to humanity in His society. Yes, He was not just known as an anointed person but as a good person.

My friend, that should be part of your ministry to sick humanity in your societies as well. The believers of Jesus are not just to be supernatural in their dealings with the literally sick among us, but also to be humane to them, showing practical loving care. Hallelujah!

Professional and Nonprofessional visits and care

Yes, you should not just leave calling on the sick to professional Medical Caregivers like Doctors and Nurses or the Government. Just as we must equip these professionals to work on our sick people, we can also personally step in to visit the sick and show them that we care.

My friend, except it is medically not advisable to visit a sick person who is quarantined without protection, we should not hinder friends of the sick to visit them because we are ashamed of the sickness. After all, nobody delights in being sick and quarantined from society.

The loving-visit of non-professionals will help restore the sick mentally and prepare them for productiveness in society when they get practically healed.
Beloved, the human being was created to exist among other people. So, for physical or mental sickness to limit a person to himself or to only medical professionals is not good enough
for the will, mind and emotions of the sick.

That is why our dearest Lord Jesus desires for His believers and all nations of the world to visit and care for their sick, as unto Him. It is so that both you and the sick can ‘taste’ of Kingdom-life now for the future. Hallelujah!

This leads us to our final way of inheriting the Kingdom, discussed in the next chapter.


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