This is how to relate with the Godhead who lives in Jesus, and has made provisions for you in His Holy eternal Residence.
Beloved, understand that to God, it is an indictment on Him if you are not whole or complete. That is why the Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write that you are already complete in Him. (see the quote on page 35 of the book ‘IN CHRIST JESUS’).

So, the Godhead together fights your battles and ministers their infinite resources to you. You only have to grow in awareness of the reality and immeasurable benefits of sharing an abode with the Triune God. Wow!

Moreover, it is an honour to Jesus that, you who live in Him are completely blessed in spirit, soul and body. It is because you are inseparably one with Him, once you see yourself that way, as that is the truth.

Held together in Jesus

Beloved, once you are in Jesus, everything around you consists and does well according to His purpose for you at any point in time.
It is because He heads all authorities in the universe – be they spiritual or physical – Col. 1:16-17, “For by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominion or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.”

Yes, Jesus made and sustains all things for Himself. So He has legitimate access to all things, both visible and invisible. Actually, all things are spiritually kept or consist in Him. That is why a consciousness of your living in Him is important to your complete provisions.

Yes, it is when you are conscious of residing in Jesus that your health, peace, mental soundness, riches, social relationships, business establishments, ministry, family life etc are well constituted, exhibited and held intact in your life.

In Christ, there is no distance between you and God

This is what this Royal book is about. I pray for you that you will know that you are not detached from God.
Yes, God is not ‘watching you from a distance’. As His believers, we are in His Son Jesus Christ and there is no distance between us.

It was in the Old Testament that we had God as a detached Strong tower into which we ran for safety – Prov. 18:10. Now, with Jesus’ work on the Cross for us, we do not have to run into Him in times of trouble. This is because we are already in Him, as His believers.


In Christ, God’s Presence is always with you

Again, it was in the Old Testament that the Prophet Moses prayed that: if God’s Presence did not go with them, they would not make a move – Ex. 33:15. Beloved, Jesus had not died on the Cross then.
But now, we have God’s Presence in and with us all the time, because we live in Him and He in us, through His Son Jesus.
So, we do not need to pray for God’s Presence or the Holy Spirit to come down. This is because He is already with us, once we are conscious of being in Christ Jesus. Praise God!


In Christ, God’s Spirit is always with you

Also, it was in the Old Testament, (when Jesus had not died) that King David asked God not to cast him from His Presence and not to take His Holy Spirit from him when he sinned – Ps. 51:11.
Not so now. With our dearest Jesus’ death, the Holy Spirit is with us all the time, to even convict us of our righteousness in Christ, even in the face of sin – See Jn. 16:7-11.


In Christ, sin does not separate us from God

It was in the Old Testament (when God had not taken away the sin of mankind through Jesus) that sin
separated you from God’s salvation and your troubled voice from God’s ears – Is. 59:1-2.

Beloved, now, God will not leave you if you sin because you are in His Son Jesus Christ, who took away all your sin in a manner that God does not remember them any more – Heb. 8:12; 10:17.

So, in the face of sin, those in Jesus do not focus on it, but on what Jesus did about it. This is not under-estimating
sin, but exalting what Jesus has done about it above the sin. And it is the Kingdom-way to make sin lose its appeal.

You know, as the practical goodness of God in the face of sin is now God’s way of leading you to repent – Ps. 130:3-4; Rom. 2:4. So, my friend, do not misunderstand Jesus’ grace because it has its own consequences too.


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