Beloved, you are God’s weapon of righteousness. And righteousness rules over sin and all wrongs. So, you should not be scared of the wrongs around you. Yes my friend, you cannot have a neutral, this-world-is-not-my-home attitude that makes you passive to affairs on an earth that is defaulted to error.

I agree that this world is not our home. But, if all that God wants is for you to have close fellowship with Him, He would have taken you to Heaven (His Throne) the moment you became a believer.

Surely, God firstly wants to have intimate fellowship with you, but that is even partly for the ultimate purpose of equipping you to rule this erroneous earth.

Really that is why believers will go to Heaven for a while -to be equipped or prepared to perfectly rule in the earth.
It is because Heaven is Gods’ Throne or a place of His perfect rule; where you are impacted with a perfect version of Gods’ rule– See Rev. 21:2, 9-10.

My friend, the world is waiting for believers who understand that they are the very righteousness of God -Rom. 8:19.

Awake to righteousness

It is because unbelievers are reeling under the spirit of error that makes them get it wrong all the time. But as a believer, you have been defaulted to get it right than wrong, to succeed than fail, to believe than doubt, to be healthy than sick, to be rich than poor etc.

So, wake up to who you are in Jesus! Awake to Jesus’ righteousness and you will not sin practically – 1 Cor. 15:33-34,

“Do not be deceived: evil company corrupts good habits. Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame”.

Yes, it is a shame when a believer does not have this fundamental knowledge of God, that he is God’s righteousness once abiding in Christ Jesus. But awake to this righteousness and rule.


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