You know, the Apostle Peter knew the implications of denying Jesus. Our dearest Jesus had earlier on taught that ‘anyone who denied Him before men was going to be denied by Him before His Father and the holy angels’ – See Matt. 10:32; Lk. 12:8.

So, in the Upper-room, the apostle Peter knew that he was going to lose his place in Jesus’ heart. This was because he had just been “most assuredly” told by Jesus that, he would deny Him thrice by dawn-time. Therefore naturally, Apostle Peter was troubled in his heart; since to him, there was no hope for him in Jesus again.

It was therefore partly to reassure this Apostle that Jesus immediately said after predicting his denial: “let not your heart be troubled”. Our Lord was by this saying that, such people like Apostle Peter should believe in Him that, He was going to prepare a place in Himself for all mankind including them. Hallelujah! How gracious our adorable Jesus is!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

So beloved, our dear Lord inferred to the apostles (and thus to all mankind) that He was about to go to the Cross and then to Heaven; where they could not go now, because He was to go for them – See Rom. 5:6; Heb. 9:24.

Now on the Cross, there would be grace for all mankind, including those who deny Jesus, even after walking with Him and seeing His glory. It is because when He comes back from the Cross and later from Heaven, He will receive even such people who believe in Him to Himself.

Yes, once the Cross came in, Jesus would not deny anyone, even including those who deny Him, once they believe in God and in Him as well. This is in spite of what Jesus Himself had earlier on said: ‘that He would deny them before His Father and the holy angels’. Hallelujah!
Thank God for the Cross.

The Cross of Jesus cancels all sins

Beloved, the Cross of Jesus crosses-out all our sins – even including outright downright continuous denials of people who should know better. Therefore, when Jesus resurrected, He started looking for Apostle Peter in particular – See Mk. 16:7.
He would fulfil His Word to the treasonous apostle. It is because on the Cross, He had taken away his sin of denying Him thrice together with his garnishing curses and swearing.

Now, by receiving all people who believe, including those like the Apostle Peter to Himself, then wherever Jesus would be, there they will be as well. Now, how is that possible?
It is possible because they would be residing in Him. So Jesus will carry them everywhere He goes – whether in Heaven, on earth, or any where He would be. Halleluiah!
So, there is great grace for you to get back into Jesus Christ, my friend. It is all because of the Cross. By believing in Him (which is mainly in His work for you on the Cross of Calvary) you will get back your place in Him; making you a new creature over there, with no evil past at all. Hallelujah!


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