Beloved, prayer is a conversation with God your Father and King through Christ. Now, our dear God says to “pray without ceasing”. This infers that prayer is the ‘breath’ of the believer – 1Thess. 5:17.

Slow separation from your Source

Yes, literally the implication of “pray without ceasing” is that, if you stop praying, you start getting practically separated from God and the Heavenly Kingdom that you represent. And you know that separation from God and His Kingdom is death.
This means the process of death sets-in, into various aspects of your life when you don’t converse with God, since He is the source of life or better still Life itself.
But, you will not experience a quick ‘death’. Rather, you will have various aspects of your life ‘die’ so slowly that, you would hardly realize it happening.

Kingdom praying

In this royal book, we want to learn the way that our dearest Jesus (who came from the Heavenly Kingdom of God) prays; not the way religious people pray. We call it Kingdom prayers because it glorifies the Person, Principles, and Performance of Jesus, who re-introduced the Kingdom system to mankind, after we lost it in Eden by modelling and declaring Kingdom life on earth.

Why Kingdom prayers?

Beloved, it is through Kingdom prayers that you can obtain things from the Heavenly Kingdom of God for the results (or answer) to endure the storms, rain, floods of this world, and even the future judgement of God, into your Kingdom-future – Matt. 7:24-27; 1 Cor. 3:13-14. Please understand that, not every Christian activity that you successfully execute will endure into the Kingdom-future. It is only the ones founded on obedience to the Kingdom-words of Jesus i.e. Jesus’ commands, whose fruits will remain – Jn. 15:14-16.

So, all other successes (even including those achieved in the name of Jesus) will collapse under the attack of the world’s system and
or the judgement of God. And, this will be because they are not in regard to or in sync with Jesus’ Kingdom-words, the sure Foundation that ‘directs’ how our ‘building’ should be, by fitting the form of the Foundation – 1Cor. 3:10-15.

Yes, such successes that do not fit the structure of the Foundation or Christ’s Words are sinking sand, in relation to enduring into the Kingdom-future. Beloved, Kingdom-words are Words that promotes our dear Jesus’ Person, Principles and Performance for us – Matt. 7:21-27.

All other words are religious in nature (even if you speak them from the Bible), if they do not regard the results of Jesus’ Person,
Principles and Performance on the Cross for us. And you know, religion is shakeable but the Kingdom is not – Heb.12:26-28. So, only things obtained in the Kingdom-way of Jesus will pass on into the Kingdom-future because they are of the Kingdom, not just from the Kingdom.

Kingdom-praying shows your dependence on God – 1 Sam. 30:1ff, Prov. 3:6.

In the Kingdom system that Jesus introduced to us, whether you are rich or poor, strong or weak, you need to pray. This is because, all
that you have including money, wisdom, strength, time, followers etc is really not for you.

It is for God your King – Ps. 24:1; Jn. 13:3. And so, you must let God direct your use of ‘it’, by asking whether you can use it or not. So, Kingdom prayer shows that no matter who you are and what you have got, you need to depend on God.

As such, Kingdom prayer is not only for the poor or ‘losers’. Actually, when you pray, you are indicating to God that, you seek Him as the Giver and rely on Him, and not on the gift of life, money, education, strength, family, fame, favour, leadership, followership etc. that He has given you already.

Moreover, the battles and troubles that the devil brings your way are really not against you. They are against the Lord. Yes, Satan
troubles you because he wants to get at God. But, since God is beyond his reach, he comes after you who are
made in the image of God. This means that God has an interest in the battles of your life, since it is really meant to embarrass Him
and not you per se.

Because of this, God wants to be given full access into the things you battle with, for His name sake. Now, you give God access by
praying to Him to attend to the potential embarrassment that Satan wants to bring in your life. So, God needs your permission to
fight your battles, since it is indirectly against Him.

Kingdom-praying is a way of humbling yourself before God – 1Pet. 5:5-7.

It is always humbling to ask, especially if you ask based on what Jesus has done and nothing on what you have done. Yes, my friend it is in the Old Testament that one wielded his righteousness or deservedness before God.
In the Kingdom system, what you wield before God is what our dearest Jesus has done and your deservedness because of Jesus’
work for you. This is humbling. And so by praying in this Kingdom-way, you are some-what humbling yourself before God; and He will exalt you in due time, just as He did Jesus – Jas.4:6; Phil. 2: 5-11.
My friend, it is humility that brings exaltation or a high life; just as the Kingdom system is a high or Heavenly life.

Kingdom-prayer is an important link to God your source – Is. 40:29-41:1.

To be effective in life, you must remain connected to your source. The word ‘father’ that is used for God in the Kingdom system of Jesus implies ‘source’.
And so, you must connect to God, your Source and Sustainer; just as a plant remains connected to the earth from which it was created.
Dear child of God, although you are on earth, you really come from the Heavenly Kingdom, as are all mankind – Ps. 90:1-2. So, through Kingdom-prayer, you get into proper touch with your original ‘Source’ and original System.

Kingdom-praying is a time of remembering the Lord – Deut 8:17-18; 1 Cor. 11:24, 25.

Beloved, in the Kingdom system, we do not have to sow a seed as a condition for generating a harvest or having your needs met (as a general teaching for all).
This is because such under-standing puts the focus on your merit or sacrificial sowing, instead of on Jesus’ grace and past sacrifice.
Yes, such mentality makes you remember your sacrifice and not that of Jesus’. You know, our Jesus is the Seed of the woman that was sowed on our behalf for our harvest forever. And my friend, you always have to remember Jesus in all things. Yes, nothing that you do must shift your focus from Him and His Cross – 1 Cor. 11:24-25.

So, in the Kingdom system, you sow a seed as proof that you believe you have the harvest from Jesus’ super-sowing. Thus, you do not sow to generate a harvest, but you sow to show your faith that you have the harvest already, by the Sowing of Jesus the most viable Seed. Yes, our dearest Jesus is the best Seed that attracts the best and most enduring ‘harvest’. And a ‘harvest’ from this Kingdom-understanding cannot be torpedoed or used by the enemy against you, being of the Kingdom and not of the religious – 1 Jn. 5:4; 1 Cor. 2:6; 1 Jn. 2:17; Heb. 12:28.

Beloved, a Seed is the way our dearest Jesus was introduced after mankind fell from ruler-ship to servitude in Eden – Gen. 3:15. And only His sacrifice or sowing takes us back into the Kingdom system of ruler-ship.Yes, Jesus as the Seed was sowed on the Cross, because every seed must be sowed for it to die, and then germinate into a harvest – Jn. 12:23-24.

So as Seed, our Jesus was going to be what God would practically sow or put on the cursed ground for mankind to be redeemed from sin, servitude and Satan, and into practical ‘harvest’.
My friend, this Kingdom-under-standing makes you humble before God any time you receive a harvest from your sowing, knowing that Somebody (our Lord Jesus) already paid the price for your present day practical ‘harvest’. Please note that we are not saying you should not sow anything. It is the understanding you have for ‘sowing’ which must be the Kingdom one that glorifies what Jesus has done already. And it is a Kingdom understanding for your act of sowing that we have sought to impart.

Again, we do not pray only when we have personal needs, but also when our needs are met. Yes, my friend, when your personal needs are met, you can still pray about the needs and challenges of others and mankind as a whole. You can also speak in tongues just in fellowship with God, or you can praise and worship Him because it is easy to do that because of His Person.

Kingdom prayer is an expression of your love to God – SOS. 1:7.

We all like to spend time with people we love. Beloved, our God is a Person just like you. So, He appreciates such real expressions of
love. That may be partly why He took Enoch away to be with Him – Gen. 5:22, 24.
You know, in Kingdom prayer, you seek God’s Person more than His property, and His Person secures the property you receive from Him.
We engage in Kingdom praying because if we do not, ‘nothing good will happen’ – Ps. 115:16, Jas. 4:2b.
The fallen earth will automatically bring forth to evil, until believers step in to impose the good or the will of God- 2 Pet. 3:13. This is why man was created as the king of earth.

Beloved, we were created to bring God’s rule or management into an already rebellious earth – Gen. 1:26, 28. Our Lord Jesus taught that this rule, dominion or Kingdom of God comes through prayer also – Matt. 6:9-10.
So as a king, do not wait for good things to happen. You should cause it to happen by your authority.


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