As an arrangement, the beautifully-complex Kingdom of God has a past, present and future dimensions in itself also.
Oh what a complicated shifting System!
So, the Kingdom is not just for the future, but is the pre-existing nation or environment of God, into which every believer is presently translated into spiritually, at the new birth – Col. 1:13.
In other words, like eternal life, which is not just for the future, but a present practical reality, so is this kaleidoscopic eternal Kingdom of God.

The royal Position

Dear child of God, the Kingdom or Country of God that you are in is also simultaneously positioned in you at the new birth. How wonderful and mind blowing!
But yes, as a complex system, once you are in it and it is in you, you become a thorough Kingdom-bred, thereby potentially qualifying to represent it everywhere as her ambassador – Lk. 17:21.

The royal Lifestyle

So my friend, you see that the Kingdom of God now shifts to become a royal way of life as well. Yes, it is just like the position of righteousness within you at the new birth that translates into a lifestyle of righteousness – Rom. 5:17, 19; 1 Jn. 3:7.
Now, aren’t all these changing kaleidoscopic-appearances of the Kingdom of God beautiful? Yes, it is a marvelous work, fearfully and wonderfully made by God for “fearfully and wonderfully made” people, isn’t it? – Ps. 139:14.
Beloved, the Kingdom of God, as a lifestyle enjoins that a believer learns to practically function in the new Country of God into which he has entered (as a royal child of God), and which he represents in a religious world (as a royal ambassador). This is where prayer comes in.

Yes, prayer is an important ambassadorial-relationship with the Heavenly Kingdom of God, which as a believer, you represent in this earthly Kingdom of God.
Through prayer, you get in touch with your Sending nation for its influence to be promoted on earth through you.
The challenge then is for you to pray in a Kingdom-manner and not in the religious-way that mankind is programmed by the fall in Eden to do.

Now we will discuss how to function in prayer in the Kingdom system.


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