The Kingdom of God is a complex system – just like all that God makes after Himself. As such, the Kingdom has three main kaleidoscopic dimensions.

The word ‘kaleidoscope’ is from two Greek words: ‘kalos’ meaning ‘beautiful’ and ‘eidos’ meaning ‘form’. So, kaleidoscope means ‘a complex, colourful and shifting pattern or scene’.
So, a pattern for doing some-thing or a system that has a beautiful shifting form can be described as kaleidoscopic.

Beloved, that is how the Kingdom of God is. It changes form beautifully as you study it in the Bible, displaying its multifarious nature. Thus the Kingdom can be variously seen in Scriptures as: a position of having God’s Royalty, a lifestyle of having God’s Rule, and an arrangement of having God’s Realm- as a person or place.


The shifting form of the Kingdom

Therefore in this complex system, God the Father in your life brings His Royalty to you, thus positioning you as His royal representative. This is the first appearance of the Kingdom system.
Then God the Son brings God’s Rule to you, giving you a lifestyle of enjoying all that God has ordained for you on earth. Here, we see the second form of God’s complex shifting system.

And finally, God the Spirit brings God’s Realm to you, thus making you experience His royal environment or arrangement. This is the third dimension of God’s Kingdom in shifting motion.

Beloved, the three inseparable elements of God’s Royalty, Rule and Realm form the Kingdom of God in a person or place. And, it brings pleasure to God because it exalts Jesus’ Person, Principles and Performance that well pleases God – Matt. 3:17.
We will now rotate God’s Kingdom and admire it in details.


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