The letter of the Bible refers to what the Greek language call ‘Logos’.
This is the written Word of God. It is out of ‘Logos’ that we get the English word ‘logo’, a symbol of an entities identity and authority.
In other words, the written Word of God (or the ‘Logos’) shows the identity of God and carries His authority. That is why Jesus came as the ‘Logos’ or Word of God – Jn. 1:1.
Yes, He was the embodiment of the Triune God and once you saw Him, you had seen the Triune God because He was the Logo of God, an exact design of God’s identity and authority.
It is also out of the Greek word ‘Logos’ that we get the English word ‘logic’. In other words, in the ‘Logos’ or written Word of God, God logically presents Himself to us.
Yes, in the sixty-six books of the Bible (from the Book of Genesis to Revelation), God progressively and systematically presents Himself to mankind till we see His full Counsel (Jesus) revealed in the last Book, the Book of Revelations – Rev. 1:1.
So, there is logic in the way the Scriptures are presented to us from Matthew to Revelations.
For example, if you take the Book of Matthew, you will see that it ‘starts’ with the birth of Jesus and ends with His death and resurrection. That is a logical presentation, isn’t that?
So, by the end of the Book, you get a general idea of the Counsel of God for humanity within which you must stay as a believer or Minister. This is because outside the bands of the Bible, you are ‘out’ of God’s authority, since He only operates within His Counsel – Eph. 1:11.
Thus, ministering the ‘Logos’ or written Word of God kills because it imposes on you the authority and high demands of God as you see His Logo, i.e. the perfect Jesus presented logically to you.