The Lion is the king of the jungle – generally, a place of disorder. Its roar is so important to it there. By roaring, it is able to ‘fear-freeze’ animals to attention. Then it can have its way with the frightened animals.

Such is the case when, as a king, you speak Kingdom-bringing words on earth – which is a place that lacks Kingdom-order – Ps. 82: 1-9; Is. 51:16; Matt. 6:10, 17:17.

Your voice sounds like a roar to the devil and all trending negative situations created by mankind.


Rule the disorder

Yes, all demons and demon-instigated and sustained negative situations must ‘freeze’ in respect and attention, to obey your Kingdom-order-bringing words.

But to mankind, your Kingdom-words will be ones of subliminal and generational influence, after the manner of Jesus’. Yes, this is the type that ushers in the Kingdom or the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God.

Beloved, your control as a king in your world will only happen when you roar or speak Kingdom-words. These are Jesus-exalting words that please God well and so are promoted by the Heavenly Kingdom of God.

Yes, it is by declaring Kingdom-words that you can rule in a place that lacks Kingdom-order; and bring about the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God there. This is what is required of us, as God’s Kingdom-representatives on earth.


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