The heifers red colour makes this animal very unique physically. This is because a fully red-coloured cow is generally difficult to come by. And in the Scripture we just quoted, the blood and ashes of this heifer was for
purifying from sin.

So, this heifer is symbolic of our Lord Jesus Christ whom God prepared a unique body – Heb. 10:5, “Therefore when He (Jesus) came into the world, He said sacrifice and offering You (God) did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me.”

Yes, Jesus’ body was not the normal one that humans have. Human bodies have sin in them, even from the womb,
because sin is spiritually in mankind’s make-up or heart. But, Jesus’ body was different because He had no sin in His make-up. It looked like the normal human body but was not, in terms of being a sinful flesh; although it looked like one – Rom. 8:3, “For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh”.

Yes, Jesus’ flesh had no sin in it, although prone to sin like that of all humans. That is how unique the body that God prepared for Him was. It was human body alright, but had no sin in it, because His spiritual heart was sinless. And that impacted His body, as far as being sinful was concerned.



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