The Kingdom of God refers to the Royalty, Rule and Realm of God. This makes it a position, a lifestyle and an arrangement respectively. And it is based on the Person, Principles and Performance of Jesus Christ, who brings it about by grace. So, at the end of the day, it ensures the rule of God in and over a person or place.


Dimensions of God’s Kingdom

The Kingdom on this time-governed earth has three dimensions namely: the past, present and future. The past dimension is Jesus’ position of royalty that mankind has graciously been put into in principle, by the divine exchange on the Cross. So, all that mankind has to do is to ratify the past spiritual reality that, Jesus has single-handedly already exchanged their sins with His righteousness.

Now, mankind ratifies this past exchange on the Cross, by acknowledging Jesus as Lord over their sins, to make His righteousness operational in their lives.The present dimension of the Kingdom involves the lifestyle of having God’s rule or Lordship over your life now. In other words, it is living by Jesus’ Principles by which you can bring about the rule of God now.

Finally, the future dimension of the Kingdom refers to the coming arrangement that God has put in place due to Jesus’ performance for us to have and enjoy His realm both on earth and in Heaven.



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