Therefore when anyone hears the Word of the kingdom, and does not understand it ….” – Matt. 13:19a.

It is our Lord Jesus Christ who sows the ‘Word of the Kingdom’. These are the Word of God that is viewed in the light of the results of Jesus’ kingdom assignment, death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at the right hand side of the Father, and the future rule of God on earth.

In other words, Kingdom-words are truths from the Bible that fully exalts and glorifies Jesus’ Person, Principles and Performance (past and present continuous) for mankind.

Thus, any truth from the Bible that eclipses the Person, Principles and Performance of Jesus Christ fall short of God’s full Counsel for humanity, who is Jesus Himself, the perfect Word of God.


Receive ruler-ship grace by seeing like God

Since Jesus is man’s replacement, God views all things on earth through the lens of Jesus and His performance for mankind on the Cross and in Heaven now – 1 Jn. 4:17; 2 Cor. 5:21. This is God’s loving arrangement that makes Him very tolerant of humans and blesses us.

However, when mankind recognizes Jesus the way God does, this loving stance of God is reinforced.  This is why you must see and understand all things, including every part of God’s Word, in the light of our Lord Jesus’ Person, Principles or teachings and Performance.

You know, there are various understandings and revelations that people get from the Bible, which does not exalt the Person, Principles and Performance of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. These words are religious in nature since they are derived from the Bible, but are not the words of the kingdom – Matt. 5:21, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43; 19:7-8.


Rule your world through the kingdom-word

Beloved, wherever God wants to rule, He releases His kingdom word into it. There is no situation in your life or on earth in which God can rule if you do not receive His Word for it. Whenever God wants to change the face of something, He speaks into it. When He wants to change a life or person, He first speaks to the one.

This is what happened in the beginning. God said “Light be” in Genesis 1:3, because He wanted to rule the chaos on earth. God sent His Word Jesus Christ to the earth because He wants to practically reclaim His dominion or rule here. And this is ultimately why you are around as a believer in Jesus Christ.


Religion and Anti–Christ

In this end time, the prevailing spirit is anti-Christ, not necessarily anti-God. Some people ‘love’ God but have a ‘problem’ with Jesus Christ. These are religious people ‘who may even be believers in Jesus’, but who do not fully discern Him. Religion is walking in half-truths and not the full Counsel of God, who is Jesus.

You know, because of this spirit of anti-Christ in these times, it would be easy to set aside Jesus and the full effect of His performance on our behalf, thus frustrating the grace of God – Gal. 2:21; 1 Jn. 4:3.

But, our Lord Jesus is the standard by which every life will be measured, no matter how perfectly religious and morally impeccable people are – Acts 14:16-17; 17:30-31.

So, no matter your practical love for God and humanity, if it is not based on a belief and an understanding of Jesus’ Person, Principles and Performance for you, you stand to be rejected by God in the end – Rom. 10:1-3; Hos. 4:6; 2 Jn. 1:9.


Walk in dominion

Even now, you can negate the usefulness of Jesus Christ in your practical life, by ignoring or not fully recognizing His Person, Principles and or Performance for you – Gal. 5:4.

Jesus Christ is already made to you wisdom, righteousness, holiness, salvation, health, power, riches and your very life – 1 Cor. 1:30, 1 Jn. 4:17; Jn. 15:5; Col. 3:4. Receive all these from Him by believing them and rule in life.


Rich in Kingdom-words

Kingdom-words therefore are the Words of Christ or the Word of God as seen with the light of Christ. These are the Words that must dwell in you richly – Col. 3:16; 1Thess. 1:8; 4:15; 2 Thess. 3:1. All other Words from the Bible are religious in nature, if they exclude or minimize the full Counsel of God, who is Jesus Christ.

 You know, not all Words in the Bible are for you, although they are all to you.  Somebody can give something to you, but it may not be for you.  So, the fact that God gives you something does not means it’s for you.

For example, He gave the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (symbolizing religion) to Adam and Eve, but it was not for them.


Roar the kingdom-Word

Something for you means you use it in your current circumstances. This is how kingdom-words should be in your practical life. As a king, they should be your words.

You are to roar them into everyday life because they are for practical use; but the religious is for knowledge. Dear friend, I pray for you, that you fully discern Jesus, receive His ruler-ship grace and rule your world for Him. Amen!


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