Three-fold dimension of the kingdom


In the New Testament, we see the kingdom of God as a position, a lifestyle, and an arrangement that ensures the rule of God in a person or place.


God’s realm


As an ‘arrangement’, the kingdom of God is not just for the future, but is the realm or nation of God into which believers are spiritually translated – Col. 1:13.


In other words, like eternal life, which is not just for the future, but a present reality, so is the kingdom of God. So, you can be in God’s realm now, although it is yet to be fully expressed on earth in future, starting from when Jesus Christ comes again.


So my friend, you can be translated into this country or realm of God at the new birth, when you receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Yes, you become ‘born again’ into the realm or arrangement of God – Jn. 3:3, 5. Hallelujah!


You also become a part of the universal church, which is a spiritual assembly of kingdom-citizens with a kingdom-mandate to ‘kingdomize or Heavenize’ the earth – Matt. 16:16-19; 18:18-19; Col. 3:1-4.


God’s royalty


The kingdom as a ‘position’ or status is placed within you at the new birth – Lk. 17:21. So, a believer is not just in the arrangement or realm called the kingdom of God, but the kingdom is in him as well. All this takes place at the new birth.


This positioning-within potentially makes you an ambassador or a representative of God’s nation or realm on this earth.


 God’s rule


However, the kingdom is not just a status or position you receive, but a way of life also. It is just like the status of righteousness that you obtain at the new birth – Rom. 5:17, 19. As you know, this must translate into a lifestyle of righteousness – 1 Jn. 3:7.


Three-fold reach of the kingdom


The kingdom as a ‘lifestyle’ therefore, enjoins that, mankind experience what God has ordained on daily basis in all three main aspects of life i.e. in ones spirit, soul and body – Matt. 13:33.


This means that, God wants mankind to experience on daily basis, His system of peace, prosperity, power, purity, preservations, possibilities, Presence of God, purpose of God, people, praises, pleasures, persecutions etc, in all three main aspects of his life.


Practical kingdom-living


You can be a citizen of a country and not live by your country’s system, but by another country’s one. So you can be a citizen of Heaven and not have Heaven’s rule over you. But, God’s royalty, rule and realm should be what every citizen of Heaven must live in and reflect everywhere.


From today, you have mastery or power over your flesh or base desires and the world’s religious system. You will promote Heaven’s products. You will seek to have on earth Heaven’s brand of love, righteousness, peace, joy, worship, attitude etc. You will exalt the Person, Principles and Performance of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Yes, you will have the practical rule or influence of Heaven in your spiritual, intellectual, emotional, financial, mental, physical and social etc lives on earth.


by:  Rev. Kofi O. Assan
Dominion Embassy


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